Warum kann man privat keine Kredit-Zinsen steuerlich geltend machen?

Ich kann die Zinsen, die ich für einen Kredit zahle steuerlich geltend machen, wenn ich den Kredit Gewerblich aufnehme oder wenn der Kredit für eine vermietete Immobilie ist.

Ist der Kredit allerdings privat und ich nehme damit kein Geld ein, kann ich die Zinsen in keiner Form geltend machen. Warum ist das so?

Angenommen ich nehme einen Immobilien Kredit auf, ohne die Immobilie zu vermieten. Und gleichzeitig erhalte ich Zinsen für Guthaben dass ich auf dem Konto haben. Warum muss ich für diese Zinsen Kapitalertragsteuer zahlen und kann sie nicht mit den Zinsen, die ich zahlen muss verrechnen.

Bei Aktien Verkäufen geht dass ja auch, dass ich gewinne nicht versteuern muss, wenn ich mit anderen Aktien Verluste erzielt habe

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1 year ago

The interest cannot be deducted in the concrete example for 2 reasons.

Once, they are private and not motivated by a colourful training. The loan was just used to finance the privately used house and not to finance a capital investment from which the borrowed income or interest are generated.

However, even if the debt interest rates were caused by the credit interest rates, a deduction would be excluded since 2009, as since the deduction tax has been introduced, a deduction of the actual advertising costs is excluded and only the savings fee is allowed. In the case of interest on loans, it is therefore at most a cost of advertising and not a loss of sale which can be removed from the sale of shares

1 year ago

However, if the loan is private and I do not take any money, I cannot claim the interest in any form. Why is that?

Because you lack the intention of winning or the intention of making a profit.

You also have to tax the associated revenues in the trade and rental. That’s what you’re supposed to do.

Private life costs are according to § 12 No. 1 EStG not removable.

Suppose I take up a real estate loan without renting the property. And at the same time, I receive interest on credits that I have on the account. Why do I have to pay capital income tax for this interest rate and cannot charge it with the interest I have to pay.

Because it is regulated in the EStG. Especially since you have 1,000 € interest income tax-free thanks to Sparer Pauschgeld. Those who have so many interest incomes should be more likely to cancel the loan with the capital behind it to reduce the credit interest rates, as they are usually higher than the credit interest rates.

1 year ago

Easy to use

Section 12

Private life management costs are affected by the ban on deduction

1 year ago

However, if the loan is private and I do not take any money, I cannot claim the interest in any form. Why is that?

If you take money through the loan, you usually pay taxes on it…

1 year ago

Because this is the case in paragraph 12(1) of the Income Tax Act.

1 year ago

Because the private pleasure is……