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2 years ago

Do you now mean a reverse gear or a reverse gear in terms of balance?

A bicycle or e-roller with reverse gear is simply nonsense and makes no sense. With the e-roller even less than with a bicycle. It’s almost logical. For this reason, there is no function in two wheels. The only two-wheeler I know and has a reverse gear would be the Honda Goldwing and the K1600 from BMW.

However, this is also only intended as a help to better rearrange the heavy motorcycles than the one weighs up to 390kg and the BMW around the 300kg. You can’t push them backwards. Not even when it’s up. And standing next door, this is also quite unhappy and can go wrong in which the car tilts to the side. If that’s the case, you don’t think so.

And as far as the backwards are concerned, that’s all right. You just have to have the balance and see that nobody is behind you. And the faster you get back into the roll, the more stable the bike gets in the track. This is the same principle as forward driving only more shaky.

2 years ago

The Vehicle “can” the… (apart from the pedal freewheel problem on the bike).
But most Handlebars can’t.
Because nobody learns and ever needs it.
If you want to practice, drive a ramp up and roll backwards – then you will find the high challenge of coordination

2 years ago

Purely technical: This does not produce a standard freewheel on the bike or e-bike. This goes with a fixi (or an art bike). However, the coordination that is required for the maintenance is most overwhelmed. In addition, a bicycle is also rotated faster and on a smaller surface than a car.

2 years ago

This option has been deliberately omitted because man is too stupid for it.

2 years ago

You have no eyes on your back!

2 years ago
Reply to  tuannga210311

The eyes on the back grow one in the car but also not.

Before you come with mirrors, there’s a bike.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stadewaeldchen

You’ve got back mirrors if you know what it is? And drive backwards on 4 wheels is different than on 2!

2 years ago
Reply to  tuannga210311

I would have written it that way.

2 years ago

You’ve got back mirrors if you know what it is?

You mean that?