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in fact a really good question.
has different reasons.
In the case of a house purchase, the bank is registered as its own. The borrower (KN) cannot simply sell the house. It’s a lot worse when buying a car and from the risk.
For ETF, the banks simply do not have a procedure, or it looks different, because it is already indirect. Many brokers, and banks are mostly also brokers, offer a securities loan. That means you don’t get a loan to buy securities, but you buy first and then deposit them as collateral for a non-purpose loan. So you can also buy shares and still drive on holiday.
Whether it’s so smart is another question
the bank is not registered as owner
With a property, the bank always has a security – the building. You can’t repay your loan? The house belongs to the bank and finished. The house always has a value. Especially when real estate prices are almost always rising… the bank is going out here or so with profit.
At an ETF? The value changes permanently. Tomorrow the value can be halved or even fall to 0. There are no secure long-term forecasts and for a short time it is even more complex. If you can’t pay your loan anymore, then what? You can sell with loss, but even then the bank doesn’t have all its money back.
There have been other times.
If it is possible, only that securities cannot be borrowed so high.
why should the plant classes have different risks?
At ETF there are fluctuations, in real estate even if interest rates increase.
If you have rented you also have risks, and the prices are quite high at present
Real estate is not “a market”. The developments are very different regionally. This is already heterogeneous within this plant class. That then still wants to settle with another class completely absurd.
You can.
Your assumption is wrong.
The one:
“but not for ETF”