Warum kann man den Beitragsservice (Rundfunkbeitrag) keine E-Mail senden? Digitales Formular zum Ausdrucken…?
Es gibt ein Onlineformular, was man DIGITAL ausfüllen kann, nur um es dann AUSZUDRUCKEN. Was ist das denn für ein Quatsch.. Hat jemand Erfahrungen gemacht wie man trotzdem per Email Kontakt aufnehmen kann? Ich finde es so nervig, dass ich meine Befreiung jedes Mal per Post senden muss
It depends on whether they need your signature. In this case, this only goes with online filling, printing and posting. This is for legal certainty. If this is not the case, you can contact impressum@rundfunkpost.de by email.
There is no way to contact the post service by email. The Internet is still new for all of us…
Such a crap, incomprehensible..
I would send the exemption with registration and confirmation of receipt there. So you have your proof that they have received it. After that, I wouldn’t pay anymore because you’ve secured you.
First day in DE? Agencies usually accept only post.
Did short hope on the online form🙃
That’s not an office. In addition, the letters without signature are invalid.
No, they accept a registration online, only a registration (or exemption) not. Because the money is great and hope that some people will not have the liberty, or they will only send it by letter without registration, which the guys have allegedly never received.
Ne is due to “data protection” 😉