Why can't I stop eating and only think about eating?
Hello 🙋🏽♀️
(I suffered from anorexia with recovery for 2 years and have now gone from 38kg to 45-46kg at 160cm.)
A few days ago I decided to heal mentally because I was still very limited and my thoughts were much worse.
But when I eat, I feel like my mind just can't stop eating. As much as possible… Plus, I ONLY think about food.
I eat about 1300-1700 kcal a day, which is totally normal. But all I think about is food. After every meal, I feel the urge to eat more and more. I often overeat. So much that my stomach hurts. I'm 14 years old.
is that normal?!!
how does this go away.
I don't want to just think about food
You should keep going to a therapy. There is a risk of slipping into another addiction.
Hey, I’ve already responded to other questions from you, but I’ll answer again. I can feel your situation so well, it feels sooo bad and you think you’re edgy. Short answer: You think so often about eating because you don’t eat enough. When you go for weeks and months and eat COMPLETE whenever you like and what you like, your disturbed brain realizes that it doesn’t have to be afraid of starving and stops producing thoughts on food. I couldn’t believe it either, but IST SO. I have already written from the pendulum in another answer: let it go to the other extreme to find the balance again!
I’m absolutely not a fan of “What I eat in a day” and “food diaries” and so, I think that is disturbed from the front to the back because it reflects this obsession from food. BUT to calm you down, I’ll write to you what I ate yesterday:
For breakfast 3 slices of bread (1x cheese, 2x nutella) and a bowl of muesli with yogurt (always full fat, show your eating disorder that you can!!!)
As a snack 2 slices of bread with vegetarian spread, another bowl of muesli with yogurt (smaller than breakfast but) and an apple bag
Lunch rice with yogurt and salad
Afternoon apple and banana and a chocolate bar
In the evening pasta with vegetable sauce and cheese
For dessert a bowl of ice (3-4 balls)
And when I stopped eating restrictively, I have often eaten twice, sometimes three times. This is called extreme hunger and is even more pronounced among others. In this time I have naturally increased, but only for a month until my body noticed that he does not have to bunk further because the famine is over. Now my weight is stable and I eat what I want.
So GO FOR IT and don’t let you insure. The question came from your eating disorder, by the way. Because only when you’re afraid of taking, you’re afraid to eat too much. You will most likely increase once you give permission to eat what you want. But not for ever and not several kilos. And at some point, it’s gonna settle down with the weight that’s right for your body. All good and always think “In the fress, Anorexie”