Warum kann die Wirkung von Methamphetamin so lange dauern?



Die Rauschdauer kann sogar bis zu 70 Stunden gehen.Im 2 Link steht es wirkt bis zu 30 Stunden (gesnieft).Ich wusste schon vorher das die Wirkdauer länger als ein Tag dauern kann.

Aber warum ist das so?

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Sandro von mudrastreetwork

Hey Blueorange25,

Methamphetamine can work so long because it has a very long half-life. This means that it is only slowly eliminated from the bloodstream, which delays the degradation in the body and extends the psychoactive effects. In my knowledge, amphetamine is produced as a “intermediate product” in the degradation of methamphetamine in the body, which also contributes to an extended duration of action.

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sandro by mudrastreetwork / DigiStreet

5 months ago

It is in the cited report.

The body needs more time to break down.