Warum kann die Welt und die Zeit nicht einfach etwas langsamer laufen? Mir kommt es oft hektisch vor und ich hatte nicht immer Zeit zum träumen und beobachten?

Hi 🙋‍♀️ ich bin 31 Jahre alt und habe ein Handicap. Ich habe motorische Störungen und Gleichgewichtsstörungen. Ich brauche sehr viel Hilfe im Alltag und lebe bei meinen Eltern. Ich bin innerlich sehr kindlich und verträumt geblieben was ich aber auch gut so finde. Ich war früher mal in so Einrichtungen für Menschen mit Behinderung zum arbeiten. Manchmal sind wir aber auch spazieren gegangen draußen oder haben andere Sachen unternommen. Ich kann mich noch an eine Situation erinnern. Meine Gruppe und ich liefen an einem Schaufenster vorbei. Da war so ein lila eingerichtetes Zimmer drin. Ich bleib stehen und stellte mir vor wie es wäre, wenn ich auch so ein Zimmer hätte. Ich mag die Farbe lila sehr gerne. Es hieß sofort : „ Frau… kommen sie bitte weiter!“ oder so ähnlich. Ich war da noch jünger als jetzt das war im Jahr 2011. ich war gerade mal 18! Ich trottete natürlich brav weiter. Aber ich habe mir gedacht :“ Mensch was seid ihr denn alle so hektisch? Warum darf ich nicht mal ne Minute oder so stehen bleiben und träumen?“ Solche Situationen gab es schon sehr viele im Laufe meines Lebens. Ich bin nun mal nicht so schnell. Ich bleibe auch heute noch gern stehen schau mir etwas an und träume vor mich hin und so. Ich brauche das einfach. Ich brauche genügend Zeit und es muss alles langsam und gemütlich ablaufen. Warum sind die meisten Leute da so anders als ich? Die sind immer nur am laufen und machen alles viel zu schnell meiner Meinung nach. Ich bin halt sehr verträumt und so.
Können andere das nicht akzeptieren und da Rücksicht drauf nehmen?

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4 months ago

Hello dear LillyFee,

The world is mainly oriented towards “success” and “view”. That’s what most people care about. That’s why people are trained early on to be good at school, and later to be good at work so you deserve a lot.

And the more you create in a shorter time, the more successful you are. This is how the hectic develops.

That’s why it’s not a fashion in the world.

But it would be good for many people to have more rest and to leave time. 🙏💖😊

So you are good model, Love LillyFee. ✨🌞🙏💖😊

Most people are annoyed when they are stopped and they have to give extra patience to wait for you. This is not so easy for them to accept your “being slow” and take care of you.

But you’re all right, Lilly. It’s you right.

I would recommend that you try to find a way of finding that you take a bit of consideration for the world, and that you need a little consideration that you have the right to give you time. 💖😊

What do you mean, dear Lilly? Does that sound reasonable and appropriate? 🙏

4 months ago
Reply to  LillyFee93112

Hello dear LillyFee, at home if no one waits for you, you can really dream as much as you want.

I could also imagine that God is well aware of all your dreams so that he can let you become reality in paradise later precisely these all dreams in order to give you richly, because you were limited in the earth and had a handicap. 🙏😊💖

4 months ago

The time goes fast for every person.

That it passes faster or slower is a personal feeling.

External circumstances also play a role.
Let’s enjoy a nice time, this feels way too fast.
If we have to deal with boring, unloved things, it seems time doesn’t go away.

People are so different that it is an impossible desire to demand all understanding.

4 months ago

But of course, but it also depends on where you go back. If you’re standing in a busy pedestrian zone and dreaming about you, it has a different quality than if you put yourself in a cafe for example and sneak on your coffee.

And if you’re just doing something and you’re out with someone, then sometimes there’s no time for dreaming. You’ll have to save yourself, and I’ve got the fullest understanding of it. Just find opportunities and places to dream.

You may find some places where such a dream is also possible, such as a lazy shady bank under a beautiful green bearded tree.

4 months ago

Hello, dear Lilly Fee, mei, you chose a pretty name. Oh, servus, I want to say to you.

Of course, you are right, all, almost all, are hectic and do a lot even at the same time. That’s exhausting. Be glad you are different. Your parents will let you be as you are.

It’s so nice to take time. For example, I like to watch the beeps on the tree outside. We even have spruce here. Once, parrots came here “through”, they were outbursted to someone.

And the color purple is really beautiful. I’ve recently grazed for eye colors. There were also purple eyes.

And some people also have two differently colored eyes.

Oh, God, I’m gonna call you now.

I’ll send you a nice greeting and–


That’s exactly how you’re right.

And do it. 🍀🌹🌻 ☺️

4 months ago

I don’t have the right answer. But I know what you mean. My head often makes me trouble and I am very often just tired or overwhelmed because everything is too fast or too much at once.

Our world is probably too much built on efficiency to allow even great relaxation. The few moments of peace that we human beings have, we simply call it a little slower inner watch*, makes it only more precious.

*no medical or biological concept, more so a feeling

4 months ago

I couldn’t read the whole text (no time :-D)

But some people are still very hectic. I’m more often. It’s time for me to fly a lot. I’m 36 but I’ve never had a relationship, and I don’t feel like a 36-year-old, but rather like a teenager. I often wonder where the whole years are.

4 months ago

In a group, there are other people who need to be respected. Sometimes the individual goes down a little.

4 months ago

The perception of time takes place in the head, with you it seems a little confused. This can be related to your handicaps.

4 months ago

We are all witnessing the deaths of capitalism, because the world has become too small to feed even more people. The former free world is converted into a dictatorship. This is unpleasant for almost every person, especially for the under and middle classes in the Global West.

4 months ago
Reply to  NostraPatrona

There’s no more ulcers left.

It’s totally over.

4 months ago

… you can also take into account the others who are faster

4 months ago
Reply to  LillyFee93112

Don’t worry. The writer removes this toxic waste in many

4 months ago
Reply to  LillyFee93112

… did you have the thought or was that new to you?

4 months ago

Definitively toxic

4 months ago

You’re insulting a lot, Paule. Just because I don’t share your opinion and you just say that you don’t vote, I’m not yet toxic. 🤔

4 months ago

I know your breeding ground here. Thanks for my attention. You generally write very toxic and despicable. Funny guy you are

4 months ago

I like how you spend time with me, Paule. :

4 months ago

Whether you’ve ever thought that you have to take a quick look and not just slow:) no one wants you to be faster.

4 months ago

It doesn’t have to take care of all people like you