Warum ist YouTube so unterentwickelt?
Ich habe bei ein Video 2 (völlig neutrale) Kommetare geschrieben und die sind sofort gelöscht worden wie wenn ich diese Kommentare NIE geschrieben worden wären…
Was soll das eigentlich??(Ich glaube das ist ein Fehler der KI irgendwie)
Can also have been the publisher of the video if it is also online.
Some comments are not published automatically. For example, if links are in it or certain words that the uploader has blocked. This has less to do with Youtube itself and more with the video itself
The problem is that if something “slimes” slips through, youtube often has to pay very high fines or pay expensive court fees.
So the algorithms are very sensitive and prefer to block too much rather than risk losing money.
People cannot edit this, too many comments and videos are uploaded. It would be necessary to have millions of specialists and to train them thoroughly.
Maybe Shadowban. If you write something more often than what YT doesn’t fit, you’re almost made invisible. The comments are still there, but only they are not seen. You can see them yourself, but others can’t. Could have been some comments before.
What comments were the
I wanted to ask for contact from a very small youtuber(WhatsApp or Telegram Contact)
This is contact search or he has deleted your comment
Since I don’t know the content, I can’t believe it.
This was also deleted by the channel operator. I also do that if I don’t like anything or it’s just advertising.
How do you get the idea that YouTube itself was?