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Is that it? I experience the opposite, most smokers are more relaxed, more communicating, more open, etc.
I feel that
I think it’s bad for the psyche.
You are dependent on something and this alone is not good for your psyche. Like a child who can’t sleep without a teddy bear because it gets scared otherwise.
Smoking has great addiction and a addiction is never good. It damages the psyche because it is no longer necessary for smoking without the effect (e.g. relaxation, bliss hormone etc…). This means that one becomes aggressive or depressive if one cannot breastfeed the addiction – this then affects perhaps other mental illnesses.
My Opinion: Someone who smokes cannot deal with stress! He wants the cigarette right away. If something doesn’t run or anything happens, he’s going to grab the cigarette instead of going reasonably with the situation. Happy people do not smoke
Yeah, well, I’m gonna go through life for the example.
Problem here: Smoking is more stressful, which makes it so tricky for many… who don’t look through it.
I cannot confirm that, on the contrary.
The opposite ? 😂😂 if they don’t have the cigarette, turn through and get nervous
Yes don’t get a bock anymore
I’m not young.
Yeah, you realize you’re young. If you only know people like that
Most I know have started from “group forced, curiosity or to be “cool”;)
Ask a smoker why he started smoking, most say (stress, family, work)
That’s what they say.
But that has nothing to do with smoking or not, I also know enough non-smoker who are stressed and unhappy.
It’s just that, in my opinion, it’s partly true. People who smoke I know lead a difficult or stressed life. Don’t speak for everyone..
And a person who doesn’t smoke would be automatically happy? Do you notice yourself?
Are you smoker and feel attacked? Yes, happy people do not smoke 😂. Yes to get “ruhe” when they don’t get the certain “rest”, they become nervous… they just can’t handle it, but first need a cigarette to think “clear”. But a person who does not smoke has no desire
Some yes, but that’s not a big problem either.
This is more likely to be true of alcoholics and cases, etc., which ballers to not have to think about it or get out of the problem (although only in the short term).
It’s not like smokers. The smoke then only to calm down, to rest and then to face the problem. Many even help to find a sensible solution and often even prevents it from escalating a situation!
That’s absolutely bullshit.
Smoking is rather good for the psyche.
Not only for the psyche