Warum ist meine Mutter so?
Ich bin wirklich krank(schnupfen, Kopfschmerzen, Konzentrationsprobleme, Halsschmerzen) und sie glaubt mir einfach nicht und denkt ich spiele das alles nur weil ich morgen 2 Tests schreib?!?!? Ich kann kein bisschen was lernen weil ich mir einfach nichts merkej kann und meine Augen richtig brennen wenn ich nur aufs Blatt schau
Children sometimes don’t get through with mum with so many tampering,Mama knows what she’s talking about,and you’re looking for my opinion.Enumeration can everyone.Your own diagnoses but brilliant.
I’m really not good
Well, you have to prove this to mom and also to your school, check out sick leave doctor, go to the doctor.
These complaints are completely normal for many students if you have to write two tests shortly. Lack is not a solution because the material to be recovered becomes more and more extensive.
Then go to the doctor tomorrow. He has to decide, and not your mother
Kind of sounds like mental stress.
I have
I’m very sorry your mother doesn’t recognize this and gives you help. A conversation with your family doctor would make sense.
Your mother will have experience that you will prep illnesses if you want to dance – then she won’t believe you if it’s really serious.
naja mothers actually only want the best for the child and want them not to get on the wrong path. And in the heads of the parents, that starts to swoop with school. Maybe you should start a proper conversation with your mother.
learn the next time sooner, then you don’t have to think so badly