Warum ist meine Klasse so?
Zum Kontext: Ich bin Hijabi und habe arabischen Migrationshintergrund. Nun zum Problem: Meine Klasse ist…komisch? Ich habe einige Jungs in der Klasse, die in meiner Nähe immer anfangen Terroristenwitze zu machen. Sie ahmen dann den Azhan nach oder rufen Alahu Akbar, während sie ihre Rücksäcke in die Luft werfen. Und ich habe ein Mädchen in der Klasse, was mich immer mit ihren Vorurteilen nervt. Sie beschwert sich immer das ich Röcke und Hijab trage und will das ich Hosen trage. Sie hat auch Mal das Gerücht in die Welt gesetzt, ich sei in meinen älteren Cousin verliebt. Sie behauptet auch mein Vater würde mich zeangsverheiraten und das ich mit 18 einen Mann haben werde, der mich unterdrückt. Warum sind die so? Wird das noch aufhören? LG.
That’s just as bad as immature and childish of those – they are full of prejudices and just want to provoke you!
Thank you.
Unfortunately, people everywhere (whether in school or elsewhere) have to do with people who have little thought about the feelings of others. They are far from putting themselves in the position of the other and do not wonder how much their words and deeds can hurt another. Yes, Why? are there people who shut down and neglect others?
There are various reasons. For example, it has happened to some earlier. Sometimes they are bad modelsthat someone had at home. In addition, own uncertainty or Minority complex behind it.
Whoever treats others humiliating plays the strong to distract from his own insecurity.It is also important to know who ones who like to shut down others as victims.
The ideal victim is someone who little friends and usually standing alone. Also, different appearance, such as the skin color, religion, nationality (as in your case) or disability provide a discriminatory behaviour.
You will quickly become a victim even if you little self-confidence has. The perpetrator is quite easy with such people, as they usually do not resist. But now to the most important point: what can you do to get out of the sacrificial role? Here are some Strategieswho could help you:
Tests left to stay. Those who remain calm and calm take the wind out of the sails. He no longer offers him an attack area, as his harassments lead to the void.
So if one shows his feelings openly to the other, one is similarly unprotected, as in ancient times a city without walls – a light prey for every enemy. However, keeps his feelings, it is equally unacceptable for the attacker. Of course, this is easier than it is and requires a lot of self-control.
Get the retreatwhen it gets dangerous. It is always the best to avoid situations and places where the attacker has an easy game. This is not the motto “The attack is the best defense” but the retreat. This has nothing to do with cowardice, but rather with wisdom.
Sometimes it is not possible to avoid confronting the hostile-minded person and telling him with a firm voice that you don’t like his behavior at all, that it is not funny and it hurts one. However, it is very important not to be challenged or offensive.
Search in any case Talk with a responsible adult! It would be good to explain exactly your situation and ask him for support. When it comes to stubborn insults and the like, you shouldn’t hesitate, quickly Help and support to get. You’re probably not going to deal with the situation alone.
Those who have become victims of discriminatory behaviour may also comfort the following thoughts: God understands exactly what people are going through, who are treated badly and they are not indifferent to him. I found a text of the Bible particularly dreadful, which very emotionally describes that God will take care of the disadvantaged and weak:
“For he will free the poor, who calls for help, even the depressed and anyone who has no helper. He will be sorry for the wrestling and the poor, and the souls of the poor will be saved. From depression and violence, he will redeem her soul, and her blood will be precious in his eyes “(Psalm 72:12-14).
This promise also includes those who are mistreated by others in one way or another. I have also mentioned the Bible because it is in times of emergency lots of comfort and helpful advice can give. It also shows that the time will come when there will be no more people who discriminate against others and talk badly about them.
I wish that you will be able to better defend yourself against the other’s attacks in the future without having a thought of revenge. Just try as well as you can to implement the above advice. They have helped many people to put an end to it or at least to deal with it better. Good and great success!
LG Philipp
Okay, thank you. Also for the Bible Vers.
Very happy! 😊
We never stop if you don’t free yourself. Release the chains and don’t let your parents tell you. Start a life in freedom. Only you have the power to change something
Excuse me? I’m perfect, and people like you are the only ones who put me chains.
I won’t. Rather I put the boys in chains, you certainly not
Read the question again. You don’t know me or my parents, so don’t talk about us.
That’s what I mean. You live in another world. You have to do what the father says. He lives strictly according to the Quran. Try to get rid of it. A forced marriage must not happen
Maybe I get the answer wrong, but for me it sounded like you implicitly suppress my parents.
Report that. What else can you not do now
I have, I’ll see if they stop.
The teachers also ask for active intervention. I’m glad they know, but if they don’t mind, that doesn’t help.
You are probably right:)
Yeah, just are some emotional terrorists who think they’re strong as soon as they try to get down.
It just shows her speed and weakness
Okay, thank you very much:) It’s just so frustrating, I didn’t do anything to them.
Okay, something.
I can tell you from experience that it was so similar to me. They will probably go on after a short time, maybe attack yourself personally, as you have “pushed” them. If it should come, let me know again, with the names. It’s gonna be a little bit, but then it should be quiet again soon
Our class teacher gave a speech, but they didn’t get any trouble. Since I didn’t call a name, everyone didn’t confess.
Because they’re racist.
Turn to a (confidential) teacher immediately. Racism must have no place in schools.
I’ve already told my class teacher, but their names aren’t called. I don’t know if it helps. The boys probably leave me alone now, but I don’t believe the girl.
Tell the teacher, it’s not possible
I did, but I didn’t call names.
Then do it
I don’t know
Yes, what should teachers do if they don’t know who it is?
I don’t know.
I’m so sorry for you.
They are simply stupid and racist do not listen to whom I am myself Christin but I do not condemn anyone for his religion. Maybe you can go to the trust teacher and talk to your parents about it because bullying and racism don’t go. If she didn’t stop, I’d call for a conversation. If the next time they say that, just say, “Why do I find your jokes somehow not so funny,” so you mean that seriously?”you’re kind of sorry you’re so racist and start mobbing so you can create an identity when you make my down interesting. Just try to sound as indifferent as possible, and as far as the girl is concerned, so you have the right to decide what to wear and what I think interesting, I always thought that would be my decision that you opened my eyes.” If she doesn’t stop saying you understand what you have prejudices and then I can also have them over you or:, so you’re German but why you’re not blond and blue-eyed, you don’t have any beer at all, you don’t even feel good or then leave me alone!
I hope this helps and I’m really sorry what you just have to go through 💞✨
Thank you very much:))