warum ist marlboro ungesund?
warum ist marlboro eigentlich ungesund ist doch bescheuert
warum ist marlboro eigentlich ungesund ist doch bescheuert
juckt das da wen hat wer erfahrung?
Hey, wie war so eure erste Zigarette? Gerne könnt ihr das Erlebnis beschreiben 😉
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Was tuen gegen einen Kater? Hab mehr getrunken als sonst und jetzt geht es mir auch schlechter. Kann man was dagegen tun?
Ich knicke dauernd mit den Beinen ein, vielleicht wegen meiner Arthrose. Nebenbei habe ich aber auch Beineschwäche in beiden Beinen. Durch Calcium Einnahme wird es kurzfristig besser, dann fängt es wieder an und das mit Mitte 30. Ärzte schieben die Beinschwäche auf der Arthrose. Allerdings habe ich eine andere Theorie. Bei mir wurde Zöliakie festgestellt….
Is your question serious?
Marlboro is a cigarette brand.
Smoking is always extremely harmful. At best, it is possible to differentiate in the degree of damage potential. For example, smoking cannabis is much more harmful than smoking cigarettes.
Whether it’s stupid… it’s the facts.
Every year, more than 120,000 people die prematurely in Germany alone.
PS.: The original Marlboro man who rode through the prairie as a cowboy died of lung cancer in 2014…
In the end he had COPD and died with 72 years.
Quotes from his wife: “He knew that the cigarettes had him in his hand. Although he knew it, he couldn’t stop it…”
He smoked until the diagnosis of COPD started…
Every cigarette is unhealthy..
There are those who claim that Marlboro is “hazardous” but that is absolute bullshit, because every cigarette is equally harmful.
Even cigarettes with less nicotine, with less tar, etc. are equally harmful, there are no exceptions.
But what can be more harmful is foreign cigarettes (e.g. in Czech), it is claimed that rat poison, wood etc. is mixed in, but it has never been whitened and I do not believe this mischief.
The bad thing about this is the burning of tobacco, with its many additives. Numerous toxic compounds are produced, which can damage not only the respiratory tract, but also many systems in the body. Especially in smoked tobacco, a very high dependence potential is added.
Maybe interesting: https://rauchfrei-info.de/inform/rauchen-Health/
Not only “Marlboro” is unhealthy, but also all other brands, which is not stupid at all.
Because smoke doesn’t belong to the lungs.
But where else should it be?
Marlboro are good cigarettes I also smoke often when my brand is ned there
Well, fairly, not only is Marlboro unhealthy. It’s also unhealthy.
Cigarettes are now harmful
Pretty much everything that tastes good or fun is unhealthy. There are more examples!
Where: Smoking doesn’t taste really good. And stink.
Hi, old stuff.
Not only this brand is unhealthy, nicotine in general.
Although I smoke myself, I have a small daily quota.
If you smoke Marlboro, filter the tar out. This is at least as unhealthy as the nicotine.
Greetings, Renate.
Please do not make false claims here! Thank you.
Nicotine is harmless in responsible handling!
On topics where you don’t know, you should stick out or inform yourself beforehand.
Save your unqualified comments, and do not spread that nicotine is healthy……..More still a lot of success at GF, and a beautiful Sunday.
Not only this brand is unhealthy, nicotine in general.
Save your unqualified comments, – said the UNQUALIFIZERTEN commentaries on a specialist who reports real facts… That’s not funny.
and do not spread that nicotine is healthy… She doesn’t have it, and it is true that nicotine can be health-promoting.
I understand, thank you. It doesn’t happen anymore. I’m full of that.
If you don’t want to offend anyone, you should think about what you write before you write something.
If you do not want to insult, you do not formulate words with “Save your unqualified comments…”
Of the subjects you have no knowledge of should be kept away in principle. This is especially true of health issues.
These private crusades against nicotine, when actually smoking is the subject, are irresponsible!
This case is resolved by me, no worries, and I agree with your criticism.
How different should the following comment be worth of you if not to insult…?
A doctor, in addition to a toxicologist, wants to tell her to save her unqualified comments, according to the rough nonsense you wrote here, this is already the lowest drawer…
It may already be part of this world, without knowing to deny everything, deny and twist facts. But that doesn’t make your nonsense more true.
Nicotine is probably the only thing that doesn’t affect smoking.
I didn’t want to offend you, that’s far away from me, so it shouldn’t come over. Sorry, I didn’t want that. Greetings, Renate.
It has been known for many years and scientific consensus that it is the toxic substances of the combustion process that are responsible for the damage.
Don’t try to explain my job.
Your insults won’t help you!
Hello..Nicotine is totally unhealthy.
No matter what kind it is.
I fortunately stopped many years ago.
.Nicotine is totally unhealthy. Don’t eat. WARUM don’t even understand you, the TABAKRAUCH from approx. 5000 different substances exist and that it is absurd to simply reduce all the effects on an icy one?! Especially since this one proves to be relatively harmless and sometimes even health-promoting?!
Total nonsense!
Nicotine is probably the only thing that doesn’t affect smoking.
You have to die of something.