Warum ist Leberkäse so lecker?
Ich gönne mir gerade einen Leberkäse und das schmeckt halt einfach vorzüglich.
Ich gönne mir gerade einen Leberkäse und das schmeckt halt einfach vorzüglich.
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sind laut mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum bis zum 27.10. haltbar
Wenn ich Brühe mit Senf Pfeffer koche und danach über die Kartoffeln gieße und dazu dann gleich kühle Mayonnaise und dazu gebratene Schinkenstückchen, verdirbt dadurch schneller der Salat? Wollte es für 3 Tage essen. Wenn ich das kurz darauf dazugebe und in den Kühlschrank ziehen lasse ? Hatte heute Mayonnaise im Glas gekauft, die war…
The sausage or Meat mass is fine-grained and well mixed so that the flavor elements, the spices, reach the “small corner”! Likewise, every meat particle is covered by fat, which counts as a flavor enhancer.
This also guarantees the balance of the taste of liver cheese!
Enjoy! 😋
Thank you for the star!
Liver cheese has a high fat content and fat is a taste carrier. Then you’ll get some spices and it’s delicious. You could also give some old newspapers with the cutter, it would probably taste anyway. ;
Ok – the liver cheese from the discounter is often marginal. But a nice fresh liver cheese semmel from a butcher who still does it – there’s just more taste in it.
Igiit, sounds really tingly And secondly, never heard that such a kind of cheese exists at all. Krass😦
Don’t taste others. Especially tasty in rolls with mustard 😋
Because all kinds of waste from the butcher’s shop are hurled in there. A few more spices on it and ready is the pamp.
mainly because of the fat, the injected salt liquor and because of the flavor enhancer. and of course because of the many salt.
Because it tastes you. I don’t like it.
Because it’s like
Because much fat, salt, spices and phosphate 😅