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There are many different types of cancer.
Cancer is simply formulated as uncontrolled cell growth. Uncontrolled multiplication cells need space, but also healthy cells. Cancer cells prevent healthy cells from functioning correctly. This leads to the death of these cells. Harmful substances are introduced into the metabolism and the circulation is disturbed until entire organs fail.
Because cancer displaces normal body cells and changes or prevents normal body functions.
By the way: the There is no cancer. There are 100 or 500 diseases.
Our cells, through which we live, do not multiply from mid-20 to the extent we would need it, which is called aging/staying. In contrast, cancer cells that multiply are responsible for an even earlier death.
Because in cancer, “bad” cells grow uncontrolled and internally destroy the body. People can die from many factors such as organ failure, weakness, metastases etc.
Perhaps you’d rather go to the doctor if you’re so scared of cancer and so often ask:/
There are also cancers as animals. You can even eat.
As anger or ulcer it is a disease because it has changed tissue to unhealthy species. People sometimes die of diseases, sometimes they die healthy.
Because you may get sick and even die.
Because it can have these effects.
Seriously, what is this type of question? It doesn’t make any sense. You may need to acquire some basic knowledge when the subject is interested.
There are also relatively comprehensible articles on the net for beginners, so that you can understand what “candles” actually means.
Wikipedia – Cancer (medicine)
Cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled growth and cell reproduction. Normally cells grow and share in a controlled process to replace damaged or dead cells. In cancer cells, however, these control mechanisms no longer function properly. It is possible to die in certain types of cancer.
Cancer is too versatile to answer that.
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