Warum ist Köln so?
Ich finde die Stadt einfach schrecklich. Größtenteils wie vor mindestens 20 Jahren und da stecken geblieben. Marode, versifft, dreckige Architektur und Gestank. Überall Baustellen. Vollkommen überlaufen. Warum finden so viele die Stadt gut?
The skyline of the city with the cathedral and the Hohenzollern Bridge is really beautiful. But otherwise I find the city totally overrated.
In the past, I always wanted to go to Cologne, but later I decided for Düsseldorf and am also satisfied with the decision.
In the past, I always thought the Cologne people were so open to the world and the Düsseldorfers were totally snoozed because it was told. But the Düsseldorfers are more tolerant, while this Cologne friendliness seems to me very superficial and played.
In Dusseldorf there is no dome, but the city has other beautiful places for it and both cities are comparable from the starting points.
As far as construction sites are concerned, however, in Düsseldorf it is just as bad if not even worse.
The Colognes are really open to the world! Unfortunately, the world is over for the Cologneer at the city border.
Most cities in Germany are dirty, contaminated and many buildings should be better off. Above all, the Archture of the Nineties. And it needs a constant use of Kärcher commands. But I have the feeling that most of the people living here feel comfortable in this mess and in the dirt.
Don’t find it so beautiful
Cologne was severely destroyed in the Second World War. Cologne is also close to the city, which was most destroyed in all the wars of all ages of human history.
Nearly Düren, 100% in November 45 by the Royal Airforce. The amount of fire bombs thrown off per day is still unbroken.
I have lived in Cologne for a long time, partly in the Maybachstraße and have never really realized in Cologne. Because there are certain parallels between these two cities. A manifestation of misgunst.
It is clearly a metropolis, the perhaps best shopping city at all and holds the most famous building ever.
But in Cologne you are quickly arrogant and undercooled, proletarian. May the Rhinelands be mentality?
But for young people from foreign countries, Cologne is always the absolute must. Unbeaten. Could I imagine that this has something to do with the brewhouses, whose beer is very pleasant?
I find Saturn great in Cologne! 🙂
People are nice
You can find it in every big city. There’s no single case. Probably because of the cathedral or because of the famous 5th season (Kölle Alaaf) or because of the sympathetic jackass Hennes in the stadium.
Depends on the neighborhood. At Chorweiler I give you the right, the last and one of Cologne social focal points. There is already so bad that Germans and Turks help each other escape from the ghetto. The predecessor of the reigning Cardinal has closed the kindergarten there, because almost all have the “false church party book”.