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Jetzt ist die Frage verständlich.
The original Cola was a syrup from the Kolanuss. These canals naturally contain a lot of caffeine and that was even the reason for the drink. It was developed by a pharmacist as an invigorating watchmaker.
The Kolanuss is also responsible for the taste of the beverage. Even though this is usually synthetic and is no longer a kolanus – it has remained in the basic taste and caffeine.
All other (caffein-free etc) are modifications from the original.
Colanuss from which Cola was originally prepared contains 2.2 to 3.5% caffeine (and also a significant amount of theobromine which has a similar chemical structure).
When the planting ingredients were replaced by synthetic, caffeine has continued to be used because this is simply the expectation.
The caffeine used for this is left in the decaffeination of coffee in large quantities.
Here you can read more details:
Well, I’m a little sceptical about the expectations, otherwise Coca-Cola would not have brought out a caffeine-free variant.
What do you want to do as a consumer if you order a cola in the evening at the restaurant and say you want to have the caffeine-free, but there is not it.
Yes, it was about the expectation from the time when plant extract was converted to synthetic. If it were just absurd to order Cola in the evening.
Like if you would order an energy drink without caffeine today…
The original advertisement was “refreshing”, so “refreshing” because of the caffeine.
Because of the stimulating effect.
Many consumers appreciate that.
But only for that, right?
Not because of the taste or something?
There are also Cola without caffeine.
But it has a certain taste effect, I think.
so that you can wake up and continue working after the work break
Jo, but then I can’t even drink Cola in the evening 🙂
Because cola leaves were banned.
It is actually responsible for the taste:
Yes, it surprises me, because now Coca Cola also exists without sugar and without caffeine. And I think that tastes quite similar.
Just have a bottle to try at home and wonder…
Joa – surprises me too. But write a mail to Coca Cola and ask them to explain it to you! Who doesn’t ask is stupid. And the people of the company should know! And then you post their answer here. Please. That would interest me too.
Jo, I think more than here they’re not going to write me. Let’s look at the ingredients, but there’s no change.
They have adapted the “taste profile” something… whatever that means…
Makes the taste
There are also caffeine-free cola. And that kind of tastes like that?!?
there are people who don’t plant caffeine, that’s why. In particular young children shouldn’t get that.
There’s probably something in there that tastes so similar