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Because you don’t give him a chance to be shit once.
You’ll get what you’re doing. This is a natural law the “law of attraction”.
Imagine what you want to experience if you do that, your life will change fundamentally.
This can happen quickly and easily. It is due to classic conditioning. The daily recurring things are known from the Effeff – they are annoying and bored only.
You have to fight it! You should always try to displace the everyday straw by conscious life.
It’s just… Make a difference helps you. Sometimes you should think of a change of wallpaper.
-> Exchange-lustige-Aktionen-Alletagsfrust/dp/389602924X
Then you have to change something. Do things you don’t do otherwise. Treat yourself with joy. Talk to them about it. If it goes, go away for the weekend.
icv doesn’t know why it’s with you. With me, however, it is so that I just don’t have any motivation to change something and if I were to try, I’d probably lose it again because I never get anything and everything gets more crappy.
Yes, I am
Yes then you could start to change your beliefs in the direction – and work on your own self-reality
It depends on how to make your day and what to do.
He’s not. And up to a certain point, you can influence it yourself.
I wish you all the best.
It’s a lot, it’s gonna be too much. Take a break.
…because you go the same trot every day and are not willing to try something new and change what? It’s just a guess.
Maybe because little changes 😕
It’s the altarpiece.
But also gives especially beautiful days, also bad.
If that happens to you, you should have something about your routine. Change. I don’t think so.
Because I’m still here and I don’t know why.
Can you find out if you like it?
For I have found and realized the meaning of life. Now I just want to go home, I got home. The earth is gray and desert and I weep every day when I wake up and realize I’m still here.
You’re not finished – obviously your soul wants to learn something else she wouldn’t be there anymore
Every day is exactly as you shape it
Right. 👍
Because you’re already thinking, tomorrow gets fucked,maybe ♀️ ♀️
I don’t know. I don’t know
Because you do him like that.