Warum ist in machen Räumen das tragen Pfennigabsätzen verboten (Physik aufgebe)?

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Ich habe in Physik eine Aufgabe Frage steht oben warum ist das verboten? Mein Thema ist Druck auf fest Stoffe

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2 years ago

If the whole weight of the woman of say we concentrate 70 kg on the area of 1 cm^2 we have a pressure of:

p = F / A = 700 N / 1 cm2 = 700 N/cm2 = 700 * 100^2 N/m2 = 7.000.000 N/m2
= 70 bar

This corresponds to the water pressure at 700 m depth and that does not stop the floor. That’s where the picks leave impressions in the ground.

2 years ago

Yes, something happens when a 60kg-weight woman stands on quite a bit of soft wood.

2 years ago

Pressure is force through surface. In the case of penny heaps, the area is very small, the pressure is correspondingly large and thus damage can occur in certain floors.

2 years ago

With the small bearing surface of such shoulders, the pressure is simply too high and the floor would be damaged.

2 years ago

These paragraphs have a steel core which presses patterns into the park

2 years ago
Reply to  flora2323

It has nothing to do with the “steel core”.