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1 year ago

It may be because it is private. You could also see if there are any vocals at YouTube or any other.

1 year ago

Because a vocal teacher wants to pay his rent and earn money for his living. This goes to schools with a fixed monthly salary and a daily fixed hours of work or private lessons. Then every hour is paid. Since private lessons are usually given less often per week, they are then more expensive. In addition, well-known and famous singers give exclusive individual hours. And famous people are more expensive than not known.

1 year ago

Individual entertainment is just as expensive as group lessons.

How much money do you want at the end of the month to feed you and your family? Share this amount by working days in the month you want to work. And then you share this value by the number of hours you want to work on the day and get the sum of what your hour costs without taxes!

You multiply this sum by three and then you know what you need to pay someone with taxes.

How high is your hourly rate?

1 year ago

I think you answered your question yourself. Singing lessons also require a lot of time and patience.

1 year ago

The teacher wants and has to earn money. And if the person is self-employed, they also have certain expenditure and time investment.