Warum ist Geld wichtiger als Leistung?

Es heißt immer so wenn Programme geschrieben werden dass man Entwickler nicht für Optimierung bezahlt, sondern nur für das Ergebnis und schnelle Fertigstellung.

Aber ein Programm muss doch immer am Limit seiner Leistung laufen.

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11 months ago

Depends on what this is, and who does.

If you write a program where almost nothing happens, and you usually wait for something, then the performance doesn’t matter. It is only important that the program does not make any mistakes. The same applies to code that runs very fast anyway, and other parts of the program need much more performance. An example of this would be Youtube. This is written in Python – although Python is slow. The reason is that it’s not important how long there’s going to take if a user presses somewhere. The code for this does not have to be efficient because it is almost nothing measured by the computing power that is necessary overall to stream a video. Another example would be machine learning. This is also usually done in Python, the part that needs a lot of performance, but in C++.

In other cases, the boss makes so much pressure that this has to be done, since then there is no longer time for optimization at the relevant points. Often the security is saved. Isn’t shit for the user, but it doesn’t matter because he’s used to getting such a junk. Like, for example, with pretty much everything from Microsoft.

11 months ago
Reply to  Finalda77

That’s not the Python backend.

11 months ago

I don’t know. JavaScript is just a script language – I would rather not expect that this is great from other script languages. It’s not compiled, it’s running in an interpreter.

11 months ago

That’s what Linux does. JavaScript is faster on Linux by itself because the OS is better optimized.

11 months ago
  • Faster hardware executes the same code faster.
  • JavaScript on Linux runs twice as fast as on Windows.
11 months ago

This makes the execution of JavaScript on your PC faster.

11 months ago

Better buy PC. And if you use Windows, switch to Linux

11 months ago

This is eh JavaScript.

11 months ago

comment image

11 months ago

Oh. That might be 10 times as expensive and 0.5% faster.

11 months ago

And even if those with 50% more spending would get 50% faster (which I think is excluded) still will not look 50% more people youtube. So that’s still not worth it.

11 months ago

So at the moment you have the fastest server CPU, you don’t get magically more power by buying a second. You have to look somehow that you get any query in parallel. And that’s not really good.

11 months ago

Because hardware just doesn’t scale well from a certain point.

11 months ago

And I think it’s worth getting a better video quality

Let’s assume that twice as much money is spent to make it 15% faster.

Do you see twice as many people youtube?

11 months ago

Normally, you will purchase certain tradeoffs to increase the wartability and extendability of your software. 5% less performance, 15% easier development.

If you want to build it more efficiently, you often have to build so that the computer can handle it better, but people have it much harder to understand.

This means that next time the developers fail to make mistakes, and new adjustments just last longer and need more developers.

Companies don’t find that nice.

11 months ago

It’ll be up to you. Youtube’s server farms are incredibly powerful.

If you could just say “double performance” clearly.

But in reality, the exponentially costs more, ensures that the next changes cost a lot more, and often makes software more susceptible to errors.

This is no longer worthwhile for the company.

11 months ago

On your internet connection or the performance of your PC.

Google’s servers have enough power.

11 months ago

…a program must always run at the limit of its performance.

That’s bullshit.

I don’t know what kind of software/programs you refer to your thesis.

Usually it is about optimal functionality.

When it comes to controlling an industrial plant, it makes no sense, for example, to implement the temporal granularity of the measuring/control functions at the upper limits of the hardware. Instead, the most interference-prone timings and redundant sensors/actuators are used.

If I guess it was rough, it turned around. 70% of the code, the control I developed exclusively for fault detection/treatment

What play a couple of 10…100Tausend for a role when a hard/software error destroys a Millonenteur production plant? (Except for production failure costs up to suppliers/customers)

You see as a “Kleinstanwender” only if somewhere in your poppy 50€-PipifaxGame sometimes the frame rate is a bit shaking and whining.

The majority of the programs that control our modern world are not perceived by anyone and are optimized for as high ailability as possible.

If you see him, somebody’s messed up or saved at the wrong end.

11 months ago
Reply to  Finalda77

So I always found slower software more susceptible to interference.


…Because to use this software with maximum performance, the GesammtSystem with various tuning/tweaks has been limited. But this also became unstable in total???

…and, of course, the software developer is the scapegoat, because he didn’t take account of your own murk…

11 months ago

The lieutenant simply want to have their program as long as all functions work and it goes fast basta, quality, fix bugs and optimize is not in there.

Although it would often not harm to do exactly that.

11 months ago

The user is the beta tester. Bugfixes can be published on the Internet at any time.

The software provider does not care that thousands of users lose thousands of hours. The main thing his programmer was finished an hour earlier.

That the software is slower because it is not optimized, tja, that is also the problem of the user – can buy a faster PC.

I don’t think it’s good, but it’s cheap.

11 months ago
Reply to  hartmutschoen

Main thing his programmer was finished an hour earlier

You’re really funny about software development.

11 months ago
Reply to  Lamanini

Nowadays it seems weird.

At my programming time it was different.

11 months ago
Reply to  hartmutschoen

I am always interested in the strange ideas of end users. 😏

Most of my development work was about compensating for idiotic behaviour by operating personnel.

It would be easy to write the damp dream of a programmer via an input field: “Gib a value between 1 and 10” and the user follows this brav…. Instead, a lot of tests must be installed in order to capture insensual handling.

The user is the beta tester

Who else?

No developer can preview all system configurations of a free compilation system, let alone simulate all test environments.

Especially gamer systems are revealed as craftsmen, with often very self-contained to limit-value configurations. There are usually not the standard systems, with a “natured” operating system, whose users feel like a “betatester”. A normal user installs a software on his normal system and will never encounter a malfunction in the next 10 years.

11 months ago

Then you should also know that with too much optimization you make your code extremely difficult to wait.

11 months ago

Half a second shorter charging times are of course cool. €30,000 for half a second shorter charging times is no longer so cool.

11 months ago
Reply to  Finalda77

Would you pay it out of your own pocket? Or just the others?

11 months ago

Are you going to sit for me for hours?

11 months ago

Of course, I can sit down now and build various examples.

Then you pay my normal hourly rate, 120€ an hour.

Is that worth it? Look at the video before you confuse it.

Maybe you would realize that if Minecraft had been built differently, nobody would have ever played it.

11 months ago

Strangely, you have no qualifications in it, have never worked on an enormous software project, but do you know better, right?

Companies don’t just want to upset you. Companies want money. That means you find the best value for money.

Maybe this video will help you.


11 months ago

Well, imagine, we don’t make maths singly anymore, but we are now counting on assembled numbers that are loaded with special CPU instructions, mass-calculated and then retrieved.

We save ourselves a little time, but from a simple X + Y will be 15 lines. You might make mistakes.

Imagine we can find an optimization in the design. Let’s clear everything we have to do and start completely from the front? Let’s say 100k Euro, just go away?

Do we use a research and development team to easily optimize the protocol, what is used for communication?

Is there perhaps 100 smaller ones instead of a service, which are faster together, but we need a lot of orchestration for which we need to build an entire orchestrator?

All possible. But then our product does not bring any more money, but we lose money. What company can survive?

11 months ago

What bugs? They don’t have a specific color or something.

Imagine you had an Ikea lead. And now you’re in only 1/3 of the charts. This will be much more strenuous to read, even if it were theoretically correct. You make mistakes in building.

11 months ago

Would you like to have more bugs?

I also often think that you can solve something more beautiful with a little more time.

But if the slightly better solution is twice as expensive, you often don’t want to. Costs and benefits.

11 months ago

Faster hardware is often cheaper than many working hours of developers for elaborate optimizations.

11 months ago
Reply to  Finalda77

Especially with software developed for individual customers, this is the rule. With hourly rates of 100 €, a working week with 3 employees comes to 12000 Euros quickly, but more RAM or more cores in the computer is just too cheap if really much has to be expected.

11 months ago
Reply to  Finalda77

The power consumption does not interest the manufacturer of the software. Apart from this, however, many programs are not performance-critical at all, because there is almost never anything that is calculated, and 99% of the time is waiting for an input from the user.

11 months ago

If this is distributed to 100 or 100,000 customers, this invoice will be returned very quickly.