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This is not “the scale”, but only one of many such scales that various researchers have created so far. At the same time, attempts are made to quantify and compare the overall damage potentials of common drugs. This does not happen arbitrarily, but systematically. Various researchers have more or less different approaches. Grob can be said that various meaningful harm categories are identified and professionals from different fields share their opinion on the value of a substance in a category. It is, of course, much more complicated. It is best to read out the relevant studies. Then you can understand exactly what a table can say at all and what is not.
Here I had tried to explain this and also compiled various such studies: How realistic is this graphics?,
This is because of the definition chosen for “dangerous”:
So if a drug is nasty, but scarcely produced addiction and very rarely taken, it is “more dangerous”. That is, of course, quite arbitrary definition.