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There is only a “simple” fence around the airport. So people “relative” just come to the airport grounds. But it would appear as soon as someone tries to get into a plane.
It is about avoiding passengers or terrorists coming into a plane. These can be used without safety control to take unobtrusive objects on the flight. It wouldn’t appear as they got a ticket.
However, from outside (for those who did not come through the check-in) would be registered as not on the flight. If 200 guests are checked in, but 201 guests are on board, it would take control.
Therefore, a strict safeguarding of the airport area is not as important as securing the passenger terminal. Internal controls prevent attacks.
But in the future, it could be possible to secure the larger airports such as Frankfurt or Munich better their terrain.
According to the reports, the activists cut holes in the airport’s fence, which is apparently not difficult. That is why the fences are signposts that it is strictly forbidden and punished to overcome them.
The Federal Minister of the Interior has already responded to this and announced new guidelines – by the way, it was better equipped in Düsseldorf and noted this earlier than in Hamburg, which is why this was far less effective in Düsseldorf.
Ah, I didn’t know it was more glowing in D’dorf. Just because of the proximity of the fence to the runway edge, I would have suspected something else…
That’s what I’ve been asking since yesterday. It is inconceivable that something like this can happen in today’s time. Unfortunately, these chaots are no longer frightening, and it will be time for an exemple to be marveled with the deterrent effect.
Couldn’t be. There must be urgent retrofit.
I think they sabotaged it! You’re threatening human lives even though you want to save something? Or you should go to the forest to collect leaves!
In fact, this is scary.