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This is not possible, as the first time you have to make your payment details.In order to complete a test subscription every month you need a new name with new payment details that are also correct. At the beginning of Netflix the short time was possible, but the slip hole was closed relatively quickly.
As a rule, you must specify payment information (account, credit card or the like) that you cannot change as easily as an email address.
It is therefore not possible or only with great effort.
Even if you can watch it for years without cost, you are a super promotional ambassador almost without cost.
If this were to be appreciably abused, a bolt would be pushed forward.
I’d like to pay.
Because it is a simple way for the services to win new customers. Even if people leave after 30 days.
I think he thinks he’s always trying to register for a test subscription, so I understood.
30 days free testing offers hardly any streaming provider more
RTL+, Anazon Prime, then there are 7 more days like Paramount+
Yeah, but not 30 days a week. Ne week means, however, that at the end of the month you will pay your monthly fee if you do not cancel after the week
I recently had a month off Amazon Prime. I was even offered another in extension.
RTL+ and Amazon are not series and film streaming providers, but Straming is part of their overall offer but from me.
Yeah, it’s okay, I just mentioned this in addition, where’s the problem.
my answer refers to the 30 days sample month, not to a week
I have only pointed out that there is enough to offer test subscriptions, with the others there are 30 days.And that one has to announce in advance is self-explaining.
For me, 7 days at Paramount+ have been completely enough to watch the movies for free that have no interest like Maverick Scream etc.