Warum ist es heutzutage so kompliziert sich im internet anzumelden?
Früher musste man einfach sein namen/email und passwort eingeben. Heutzutage muss man name/email und passwort eingeben, dann kommt erst mal ne capcha und man soll auf sein handy gucken welche nummer angezeigt wird. Bei microsoft muss man manchmal sogar eine extra app herunterladen. Warum ist es so unnötig kompliziert geworden sich irgendwo anzumelden im internet?
That’s weird. I have been using the Internet on PC/Laptop/iPhone for many years and have no problems after the one-time registration, e.g. mt a Google account.
Of course, certain apps such as online banking or sales platforms require a separate registration so that hacking is at least made difficult.
Logging on to the Internet is not complicated at all. Phone on, ready.
In order to be able to access certain applications, security measures of various types are required. Unfortunately, many users are incapable of securing their stuff independently, which is why someone is crying around here every five minutes!
Because now too many bots are on the way.
Previously, doorsteps had no locks – already. Why?