Warum ist es für viele so schlimm nur ein Handtuch für alles zu benutzen?
Ich wasche mich gründlichst überall mit Seife. Danach bleibt nur saubere Haut übrig. Warum sollte man für diese Stellen ein extra Handtuch verwenden? Warum sollte das eklig sein? Waschen sich die Leute nicht gründlich und finden sich deswegen selber eklig?
I always asked myself that.
When I was married, there were 20 towels in our bathroom.
Twenty towels. 4 persons, one towel for face, one for hands, one for body and one for “below”. And of course 4 towels for a guest. Twenty towels hung in the bathroom.
Even if only clean skin remains, I would have a strange feeling if I wiped my mouth with the Ar5ch towel after brushing my teeth.
… then the ass was not properly cleansed!?? Besides, I personally don’t pull the towel through the asshole.
But the ridge must also get dry.
Damage can also lead to inflammation.
so far with me everything is good!
As long as you don’t dry your face after the popo, everything is good.
I also have 2 towels, but I use them more often
I don’t know, I have one for everything. The towel does not use any other