Warum ist eine HTML-Seite teurer als eine WordPress-Seite?
Warum kosten Webseiten oft mehr, die auf HTML basieren und nicht via WordPress gemacht wurden?
Warum kosten Webseiten oft mehr, die auf HTML basieren und nicht via WordPress gemacht wurden?
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Websites created with HTML can also be cheaper than created with WordPress CMS. This actually depends on what the page is supposed to do and what it was done.
Each website is based on HTML, including WordPress and Co…
But WordPress and Co. supply many frequently used functions virtually automatically, you have to “click” them together, but is limited to the templates – or have to develop your own templates at correspondingly higher costs, which are in turn bound to the limits of WordPress and Co. itself.
So who only needs a standard blog, or a website that offers a few info pages, will be happy with it. But those who have special wishes will quickly reach limits.
But I don’t know what a “HTML page” is supposed to be.
In most cases, however, I would interpret it in such a way that it means newly developed pages.
And that’s why it’s more expensive: It is redeveloped from scratch, which costs a lot of time and time. However, this is often also necessary, as many required functions are very specific to customer requirements, this flexibility is simply not available with WordPress and Co.
Moreover, such projects are often simply much more extensive.
It always depends on what you need.
A pure HTML page is no longer sufficient, as it has no real features. What you probably think is to create a template in HTML to then integrate it into a CMS, right?
WordPress is also a CMS and very popular due to the variety of modules, add-ons, plugins and the wide range of freely available templates.
However, WordPress also has some drawbacks. The most common problems include vulnerabilities, and individual adjustments can be lost for each update – in particular changes to the PHP code of the plugins, templates or the CMS itself. Since WordPress receives about 10-15 security updates in the year and many plugins have to be updated even more frequently, the effort for adjustments is not important. This leads to higher follow-up costs, especially if you want to implement specific functions.
For most standard websites such as “Hello, our company is now also online” WordPress is an acceptable, affordable solution that can often be made without agency.
However, when it comes to more complex requirements, WordPress is quickly reaching limits. More powerful CMS systems such as Typo3 or Drupal come into play here. These not only offer more flexibility, but also often achieve better results in search engines – which in turn can reduce the costs for Google Ads as the quality points are higher. I currently have a case where a company that previously spent about 8,000 € per month on Ads could reduce its CPC costs by around 50% by switching to another CMS.
It is true that there are many SEO plugins for WordPress, but these are often only limited effective. This is comparable to mounting a sports exhaust to a 60-PS panda: It may look impressive, but it hardly brings a real performance improvement. Many WordPress sites are unnecessarily slow and thus everything else than optimized by superfluous CSS and JavaScript files integrated by plugins and templates.
The development with a “better” CMS is more expensive, as real development work has to be done – not just the exchange of graphics and matching colors – but the result is significantly more powerful and future-proof at the end.
In WordPress you can simply take a finished template, maybe customize a few colors and fonts, clean the logo, and finished is the Laube. However, it often looks like “single class”.
If you can design and program a website from scratch, you can get a completely individual design and match it to the content of the website.
However, the name is “HTML page” vs. “WordPress page” is not quite correct, from WordPress only HTML comes out. WordPress is a content management system (CMS), as there are also alternatives that work similarly, and sometimes even better.
The cost of a website depends primarily on how much is done individually. Most websites require a CMS, otherwise you cannot easily adapt and update the content of the website. Therefore, the question should not be “CMS or pure HTML”, but rather “What CMS?” and “Standard Theme or Individual Design?”.
As a content management system, WordPress is also something like a homepage module with Plug & Play options. HTML foundations are rather rare. What WordPress already offers has to be written together.
Professionality is perspective-dependent. Quick, affordable and supposedly individual acts as a professional offer. A real HTML unit is more professional and performant as a website operator.
At html you need to program the entire website.
And in WordPress you have virtually as basic structure and only have to adjust it and fill it with content.
What better to offer than an independent web designer? What is more professional?
I don’t think both are very professional.
If you don’t do the website with HTML (CSS & JS/TS), how would you do it?
A WordPress page is almost ready!
You just have to select the design, change pictures and texts … Done!
With HTML you have “nix” just a text editor (e.g. “notepad.exe”) and have to type a lot! It takes time and working time is not cheap!