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Hello Questionsteler123,
a hyenas is mostly aas eater and people make it easy and think the hyenas are too stupid to hunt and eat spoiled.
Otherwise, lions, for example, have a great effect due to their imposing, size and comparison of the “kingdom” and are therefore probably more popular.
But of course, every animal is important for the common and ecosystem. From this I find both hyenas, lions and tigers very interesting.
I wish you a nice afternoon.
Best regards, Kunstturner25
Pure headache. In fact, lions steal more often and eat Aas. Hyenas hunt 65 to 80% of their prey but don’t have a killing bite and often eat when the animal still lives in most cases such an animal dies very quickly. The cunning handle of the big cats can also take more than 5 minutes and it has already eaten lions or tiger prey alive.
Or have animals like Orcas hunted a blue whale for over an hour, pieces out of it bitten more and more wounds until he was dead after just over an hour or drowned graywalker to then eat tongue and lower jaw. Hyenas also don’t kill more cruel than other animals, but at zb Orcas, almost no one finds it kind of cruel in hyenas.
Of course, both are not really cruel they just try to survive.
Because cats are simply much more beautiful, impressive and majestic. People go after the outside. That’s normal.
Where hyenas are to be learned in character. They do not play, often show themselves very cowardly and eat their prey with a living body.
It’s not easy to love these animals.
The hyenas is mostly aas eater.
I suspect that “typical” aas eaters are generally not so regarded as compared to other animals.
Geier, I don’t think so nicely now compared to a buzzard.
Aasfresser will definitely have her right to existence.
Because it’s just more beautiful and admirable animals.
Lions and tigers have been erected by the powerful as coats of arms, so they are generally regarded as “royal animals”.
Hyenaan go half-cuffed, run more crawling and sapper. There, creation apparently had delivery problems and skill shortage 🤣🤷🏼