Warum ist dieses Forum voller Rechtsgesinnter?
Bin ich froh, dass das hier nur das Internet ist und nicht die Realität widerspiegelt.
Bin ich froh, dass das hier nur das Internet ist und nicht die Realität widerspiegelt.
Gerne auch kurz sagen worum es geht!
Ich hatte das Problem schon einmal in meiner letzten Frage thematisiert. Mittlerweile ist es soweit, dass mein Freund und ich eine sehr schöne Wohnung gefunden haben und uns wirklich massiv aufs Ausziehen im September freuen. Der Mietvertrag sollte auch die nächsten Tage bei uns eintreffen. Es ist also soweit, dass ich meiner Mutter ganz klar…
Good evening, I've been really sad and frustrated in life for so long now because I've never had a girlfriend before, while I have to watch other people have one. Then today I asked a girl about meeting up next week. I had already sent her a memo telling her when and where we'd meet,…
Hallo zusammen, ich trainiere in meinem lokalen Fitnessstudio und habe das Gefühl, dass ich dort nicht so richtig willkommen bin. Es betrifft sowohl einige andere Kunden als auch ein paar Mitarbeiter. Soll ich trotzdem weiterhin hingehen, oder lieber nach einer Alternative suchen?
Hallo Community , Mein Fahrlehrer ist der Meinung ich bin fit für dir Prüfung ,aber in jeder Fahrstunde ,wäre ich c.a 2 mal durchgefallen …er meinte nur das wird schon… Ich kann auch nur seitlich Rückwärts einparken ,nicht in eine Parkbucht ,soll ich meinem Lehrer vertrauen? Was waren eure durchfallgründe ?
In my opinion, there are many legal minds here. Why don’t I know, maybe it’s because they’re not so disturbed here. In the protection of anonymity, a lot can be put into the net
This is the censorship of such people always talking hahah
At my age (16) the quota here, by the way, reflects the reality very well…. Especially because people with this thought material are extremely loud and are very less trusting to say something about racism. I don’t know if that’s due to age or if we’re really lost, but that makes me sad again and again.
Z. T. because they want to do peasantries here, on the other hand because there are a lot of semi-gars here.
According to surveys, nearly 20 percent AFD voters. Almost over 30 percent CDU of which many still belong to the conserative camp.
BSW and Freie voters also represent a few right positions. So I think there’s a lot of things coming together to talk about the thumb at least about a 50 to 50 ratio in reality.
I fear that this is not only true for this forum, but also on Twitter, Facebook & Co. and the majority of the Internet.
Those who cry the loudest and spread the most fear and rush are also perceived most strongly.
Ois kloa?
Because for a few years ALL, which is not woke-left green, has been referred to as “raeächts”!
But the pendulum just swings back…
Be nice together!
R. Driving
…and all that is not right as left green is titled
The whole “Stab” here is left, must also give a contrast
These are always the same. So many different are not. (I think so.)
Because right troll is all forums, trolls and bots are undank. There’s nothing new about that. And by the mass of automatic contributions, the impression is generated that Nazi thoughts are more powerful, that there are many who think so. That’s the agenda.
This page is of course in no way heavily frequented by left extremes, and the average opinion profile of all other users is balanced and bare of any ideological doctrine.
Irony off!
Yes real people hate a secret ^^
You know that this is bullshit yourself. Only this morning there was a question and there were as good as all the answers as CDU or green. My comment (right-minded) received considerable 8 dislikes, which is already a high number.
Tell me where are all these raids hiding?
It might be because the mere sentence:
“I don’t want my daughter to be disbanded by immigrants”
It has already been evaluated as a nazily confession of complete birth.
If you’re just left enough, everything’s right.
…and how much real-world relation does this “report” have?
Apart from the fact that whole groups of people are declared to perpetrators?
BTW: A shame by a bio-German seems more appropriate for you?