Warum ist die neue Generation so beschränkt und leichtgläubig (TIKTOK)?
Was ist los mit denen, warum verlieren die so schnell den Bezug zur Realität und lassen sich Sachen einreden und glauben alles was online gezeigt wird???
Was ist los mit denen, warum verlieren die so schnell den Bezug zur Realität und lassen sich Sachen einreden und glauben alles was online gezeigt wird???
https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwGb7MctPxA/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== einfach den Hofreiter gedisst
Hallo Bei anderen sehe ich oft Storys mit Erinnerung und dann halt das Datum vor ein paar Jahren und ich wollte fragen wie dass geht da ich nicht finde wo man sowas erstellt Kann mir da einer weiter weiterhelfen? MfG
Ist es schlecht für die Reichweite wenn man auf 2 Instagram Kanälen Videos postet ?
was heist das also genuked wen ein server genuked wird
Hallo Wieviel bekomme ich von youtube geld mit 1000 abonnenten und schon 4000 Wiedergabestunden. 10000 Aufrufe pro Video.
Ich meine so von verhalten auch aussehen wie ihr sie findet .
I love Tiktok total, but of course you can’t take anything seriously, like with a Sketch Comedy show with Martina Hill or advertising. It’s just entertainment.
These are 2% from Tik tok the other 98% are completely brazed scheiss videos that are pure time blur
There are several studies on the characteristics of the generation Alpha.
Belief or “restricted” are not part of it.
In fact, Gen Alpha is one of the most prosperous and best trained generations in Germany. We, too, must be one of the most diverse generations of history, which place great emphasis on the environment and social justice.
So your question is missing the basis. There is also no answer.
Your assumption Gen Alpha is as you describe, probably due to subjective observations on your part. This usually comes from too small a sample size. Say you see 4/5/10 children who behave accordingly and generalize it and closes to the entire generation.
How can gene alpha be the best-trained generation if the straight 10 are
Gen Alpha are those born from 2010, so the oldest are 14.
And as you hopefully know, the school begins at 6-7 years. In addition to schooling, other factors are added, such as gene alpha as “digital natives”, i.e. they were born into the digital world.
I guess you’re not so naive to believe it’s about fully trained professionals, right?
Educated means nothing other than having qualified.
In the usual language, this means vocational training, but in general the word is to be applied to each qualification. Also on the small 1*1 and letter teaching.
Just like factorization, symmetry, conjunctions and the Hooke law. Just what students learn in the 7th grade.
But before you keep looking at this word:
It simply means that the current generation is better educated / better at school than previous generations.
But you are trained if you already have knowledge and can apply it.
I cannot say or confirm from today’s 14 years, except for the highest small 1 times 1 and spelling
Many teens are so stupid to believe in TikTok because the parents do not comply with the education/interest in the children. My teat (w) is also on the go online, but we talk about topics and exchange. I’m sorry.
Iron-proof is one of the features of Gen Alpha that the Elders are overseen. :
I’m sorry for the people, but you’re right. They become blind and evaporating. Unfortunately, they don’t notice. Interests change, unfortunately to the negative. Internet makes smart, but can also make sick. Open your eyes
In teenagers, parents are in duty. Unfortunately, many parents do not seem to intress what teenagers do so at night at handsy.
What are the parents doing? Punishment? That’s the wrong way. The children will make mistakes and will learn from it, as we do. I know.
Not punishment. Communication and time/interest for each other are indicated here. Of course, children make mistakes and learn from them. You can also teach children, not all blind and believe what is posted on Tiktok & Co.
Because they’re too stupid to check facts.
They’re blinded… they’re not stupid.
If they believe everything without checking it, they’re stupid.
I just have to ask: You is the questioner’s assertion checked?
Have you examined whether it is true that the new generation is believing and “limited”?
In fact, this is not the case at all.
That you still answered as if the claims of the FS were facts – and that is also so clear – I just let you stand that way. :
I don’t need to “check” facts from the Internet, but I have had my own experiences and “facts” come first and seen
That’s really wrong.
How did you look at most young people? Personal? All 8.3 million or most of them?
I don’t think so.
And what measurement methods did you use? A supervised test? Surveys? Stalking?
What are your comparison data? Observations of young people 10 years ago? 20 years ago? Millions of them?
Or did you use objective and representative studies?
Funny, because they prove the opposite of your claim.
Or you have this claim without any evidence simply pulled out of the nose?
Would match the fact that you don’t even check the simplest facts.
Looks like young people are not those who are stupid.
When you look at most young people today, they are definitely stupid.
I didn’t write to you at all…
So you only collected subjective impressions. Not objective. What your “experiences” are worth for the question.
Thanks for clearing.
Well, you just believed the claims of the FS without examining them.
So, according to your own statement, are you something again?
Bader education, hardly general education, sinking IQ.
because they are not formed enough to understand that TikTok is Schxxße
It’s so sad that they don’t even have the chance to be formed because they are so blinded and accessible to everyone.