Warum ist die Lehrerin so ehrenlos?

Unsere Deutschlehrerin ist maximal asozial. Wir haben einen neuen Schüler er ist dunkelhäutig und erst seit 1 Jahr in Deutschland ich finde er kann super deutsch und ist Mega nett. Ich bin auch mit ihm befreundet. Sein erster und einziger Freund. Abgesehen von deutsch ist er schlau. Aber unsere Deutschlehrerin ist so ehrenlos sie ist rassistisch und einmal als was geklaut wurde hat sie direkt ihn verdächtigt. Er musste heute auf Toilette und hat auf gutem Deutsch gefragt: „Kann ich aufs Klo?“ die Lehrerin wollte ihn dann vor der ganzen Klasse bloßstellen und hat gesagt „Ich weiß nicht ob du kannst“. Ich finde das nicht ok und habe ihr dann gesagt

Gemäß der lexikographischen Auslegung, wie sie im Duden festgehalten ist, lässt sich eine semantische Konvergenz der Modalverben „können“ und „dürfen“ in pragmatischen Kontexten konstatieren, insbesondere im Rahmen von illokutionären Sprechakten, die darauf abzielen, die Legitimation zur Vornahme einer spezifischen Handlung, wie etwa der Nutzung sanitärer Anlagen, zu erfragen. Indes erscheint es geboten, Ihre akademische Fundierung einer reevaluativen Betrachtung zu unterziehen, sowohl in Bezug auf die methodisch-didaktischen Dimensionen der Pädagogik als auch hinsichtlich der theoretischen und anwendungsbezogenen Tiefenschärfe im Bereich der germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft, um etwaige kognitive Disparitäten in der differenzierten Erfassung und praktischen Implementation dieser syntaktisch-semantischen Phänomene zu mitigieren.

Die Klasse hat dann nur noch über sie den Rest der Stunde gelacht. Sie hat den Schüler danach einfach so aufs Klo gelassen findet ihr ich bin ein guter Freund und warum verhält sie sich so? Ich habe jetzt ein Gespräch mit der soll ich hingehen? Kann sie mir dafür Ärger geben? Ich mein sie ist Deutschlehrerin.

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2 months ago

“and asked in good German: “Can I go to the bathroom?”

Wonderful German! It’s totally normal how the teacher reacted. He must ask her if he can!

“According to the lexicographic interpretation as it is held in the Duden, semantic convergence of the modal verbs can be “can” and “can” in pragmatic contexts, in particular in the context of illocutionary speech acts aimed at questioning the legitimation for taking a specific action, such as the use of sanitary installations. However, it is necessary to subject your academic findings to a reevaluative consideration, both with regard to the methodological and didactic dimensions of pedagogy and with regard to the theoretical and application-related depths of focus in the field of Germanistic linguistics, in order to cognitive disparities in the differentiated recording and practical implementation of these syntactic-semantic phenomena.”

You sure you said that? I think you don’t even know what a modal verb is. For the German teacher, this text is by the way not difficult to understand or amazing. I guess she’s just wondering why you’re talking like that.

“The class just laughed at her the rest of the hour.”

Are you sure the class didn’t laugh about you because you were so embarrassed about it?

“I have a conversation with him now. Can she give me trouble? I mean she’s a German teacher.”

She probably just wants to see if everything’s okay with you because you’re acting so weird.

1 month ago
Reply to  Angulimala1610

He has his reasons. And she should respect a good teacher.

1 month ago
Reply to  Squirreline


2 months ago

Whether this was a racist example or only a maximum of unlusty, one can only judge if one observes it longer. we can’t do this here.

But if she really expresses herself racist, something has to be done and then she certainly does so in other classes. Unfortunately, if you are using yourself, it will take you badly and German is a subject where (other than Mathe, where an invoice is just right or wrong) is a lot of subjectivity in the listing (I have experienced that even in this subject too).

My advice would be, talk to your student representatives first, so pupil spokesperson or something. They can then talk to other students and if others have watched it in other classes, then seek a conversation with the director to betray who made them aware.

To talk to you, you should go. you can say that you felt this as inappropriate, but should not be too accusing.

2 months ago
Reply to  frager176

Hahah, that’s cool

2 months ago

I see nothing racist in this situation.

“I don’t know if you can”

It’s just a stupid comment. But there’s nothing racist here. Finally, it can be said to everyone and it is a frequent answer to questions with the beginning “can I…”.

But for a teacher, a comment is not appropriate. After all, it’s just in front of the class. The same would also be the case if a German native speaker were in place.

1 month ago
Reply to  frager176

Okay, it’s time to intervene at the latest. Because if he can only go to the bathroom, if he can get so good German that he is satisfied with it, he would have the right of the world to empty himself either from the window or into the garbage bucket. If that’s what she wants.

2 months ago
Reply to  frager176

This is unprofessional from her. As a teacher, she shouldn’t say that.

  1. His question was in the normal German language. Most German native speakers would ask exactly this question.
  2. This is exactly what the school is about to learn Germans, among others.
  3. It is their job to help him and other students learn the literaryly correct German.

But there is nothing racist in itself. The same thing is said to Germans when they have a bad grammar.

1 month ago

It should be fairly put before the election before one is exposed.

2 months ago

The Duden describes not only the literary German, but also the normal everyday German. There are also terms that come from the language of dealing and are thus not taught in German teaching.

2 months ago

If she said you should go there, I’d do that. If you don’t go, she won’t take you seriously. Besides, you’ll get me some trouble.

Whether you can talk about being a good or bad friend, I find it irrelevant at the moment, even if your friend hopes to be happy about it. But I think it’s strong that you’ve used yourself for him like that.

If the teacher doesn’t stop, I’d just talk to the class teacher about it, maybe he can do something. Otherwise, class spokesman whose duty would be to appeal. And if all this doesn’t work, then I would actually seek help with the director.

The teacher is therefore party to what she cannot, and I also do not think that racist behaviour or blocs of pupils is okay.

Hope I could catch you

2 months ago

I’m not reading out what would be racist. But apart from that. Can it be that her kids understand the word honor wrong?

2 months ago

The adequacy criteria of your question, are quite controversially discussible in terms of conceptual convergence to corresponding empirical questions. Linguistic concepts, categories and analyses can be adapted at an abstract level and on the basis of tradition, but cannot be automatically recognized as congenial. Well-known is a convergence in an incorporated position, which bears your friend? In total of attitudes, dispositions, habits and attitudes of an individual, in this case pending the Southern Habitus, which can also refer to empirical knowledge again on the subject of the removal of an alien, movable thing, with the intention of eternal, illegal appropriation?

How much deviation from theoretical principles, how they form the subject of polemic discussions, can be tolerated? The Romans would say – licet iovi, non licet bovi. Sita tacuisses!”

Such questions are not answered here and are taken away by se, your slope to the Jokus. 😉

2 months ago
Reply to  Amazonaskenner

illegal appropriation?

It only changes ownership, but not ownership of the movable thing. I’ll give you an unconditional claim.

2 months ago

This “I don’t know if you can” has always been a typical teacher. It’s probably a reflex.

2 months ago

I can understand your situation well. We have a Ukrainian in the class, unfortunately, she doesn’t find any connection, even though I really try to help her somehow. With us the teachers simply ask them out (they talk at normal pace and ask technical terms like “Fährmann”, “Klerus” or something) and take no consideration. I think it’s important that you use things and fight for them when they are important to you. If the German teacher says that and treats him like that, it’s just not okay! No one should be treated differently because of his skin color, his origin or his religion! That’s why I think you should definitely go to the conversation. I know the situation and I know that you’re kind of scared of it. My tip is that you are taking a friend who shares your opinion and can easily support you in argumenting and emotionally. I think it’s really great that you’re so busy for this boy and there for him! I hope I could help you! Great success in the conversation!

Kris, UserMod Light
2 months ago

and asked in good German: “Can I go to the bathroom?” the teacher then wanted to expose him to the whole class and said “I don’t know if you can”

Classical teaching when a student asks such a question. There’s nothing wrong with this, and it’s not “holyless.”

Kris, UserMod Light
2 months ago
Reply to  frager176

‘I guess it makes sense. “Can” is primarily a term that describes an ability and no permission. If your friend’s German was as good as you write, he would have asked “I’m on the toilet?”

2 months ago

Isn’t that just an auxiliary verb?

2 months ago

You were nice to your friend.

2 months ago

You’re a good friend and a teacher: she answered normally.