Warum ist die Kontoführungsgebühr bei der Sparkasse so teuer?
Ich habe gerade mal meine Kontoauszüge gecheckt und dabei ist mir aufgefallen das die Sparkasse in den letzten Monaten von mir immer zwischen 25 und 40 Euro an Kontoführungsgebühr plus 16 Euro Kontogebühr abgebucht hat, warum ist das so hoch? Ich hatte jetzt nicht super viele Transaktionen… Und wie geht es billiger? Danke!
Of course, every savings bank handles this differently, but it seems to me that you did not have a flat model, but one with individual billing. Therefore, look at the current account models on your Sparkasse’s website and change into the most affordable for you, which will probably be a flat variant.
There are around 350 different savings banks, each of which probably has at least 2-3 different account models with different prices and services.
Without more detailed information, you can hardly give a specific answer, but you probably have an account model that is unsuitable for your usage behavior.
between 25 and 40 euros in account management fee plus 16 euros account fee,
Account Fees Plus Account Fees??? Isn’t that the same?
I’m just paying flat €2.95 a month at BB Bank for everything….
My daughter was at the savings bank and when it started what to cost is the ING Diba…which doesn’t charge.
That’s a lot. I have quite a lot of transactions and pay for our savings bank 11,90 per month.
Make an appointment with them and ask for internal alternatives. Otherwise change the credit institution.
It is part of the profit optimization.
Depends on what you have the period “pair months”. I have monthly account fees of 7.99 to a maximum of 9.89€ at the Volksbank. If you don’t want to pay any more account management fees, cancel your current account and change to a bank without account fees.
Go away and be advised!
They have different account models with different high fees!
Depends on what rate you chose.
Obviously, you should change it.
Let yourself be advised which fits better and is cheaper
It’s even free, if you change the bank.
What banks are there?
I am with Commerzbank and pay nix to account management fees.
Logical. Because I’m with a direct bank, I just wanted to add it. Don’t question.
But since I’m with the Commerzbank, I can only speak for them.
Some direct banks also have no account management fees.
The Sparkasse offers several different current accounts. Find a cheaper…
Each institute determines how many fees it charges. Who is too expensive is losing his customers.