Warum ist die britische Mode bei uns eher verpönt?
Die Briten sind irgendwie experimenteller bei ihrer Kleidung. König Charles trägt z.B. auch mal Krawatten mit Tierchen drauf.
Oder auch kurze Hosen und Pullover sind in England verbreitet. Hat z.B. Prinz George oft getragen. Wenn ich in Deutschland allerdings z.B. beim Wandern Wollpullover und kurze Shorts trage, heißt es schnell, man wäre schwul.
already gives extremely abstract fashion trends from GB, for example, that the youth has started wearing latex gloves, I don’t know how this flagrant trend was. And the Talahon, please correct me if that’s not true, are supposed to come from there.
only later I read, for example, the sweater and the shorts.
Uh, Talahons do not come from Britain 😂 Talahon is an Arabic word
but the arabs are supposed to be comparatively widespread in Great Britain, and as far as I know, the wave of GB swapped here, but one can also teach me a better one.
I find British fashion chic and great!
Also discovered a great shop for this:
You’ll close my mind.
British things are generally regarded as lazy and peculiar, not as cool or culinary. That is why this opinion could have arisen. Although I find myself super, the majority associate British things with very own content. Cars and food are also affected.
If you’re being criticized for this, your environment is the problem.
Germany has hardly taste 😒