Warum ist Deutschland so unästhetisch?

Wenn man das Land mal mit anderen Ländern in Westeuropa vergleicht. Frankreich, UK, Italien, Spanien haben alle einen typischen und wunderschönen Stil. In Deutschland ist ein Durcheinander und grau. Als ob ein Kind die Städte zusammen gestellt hätte.

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2 years ago

This depends on where you live, live and stay with daylight.

Only the tourist places are known from the countries you mentioned. They are also beautiful with us, because that is why the tourists come to us from all countries in the world.

But even in Paris you can find districts like Berlin Marzahn, or Hasenbergl in Munich. One of these places is Créteil le lac.😱

Cologne is also a beautiful city, but come to Cologne-Kalk!😩

As a tourist, you don’t get to know these remote districts. It’s not different in London or Milan.

2 years ago

You probably ignored that D was crushed almost 80 years ago. Reconstruction was not about expensive aesthetics, but about cheap living space. I find some buildings in F more esthetic than in D, but already in Italy, Spain and England this feeling turns.

2 years ago

No. Germany is not anesthetic. There are beautiful cities and many areas where you can make great holidays, e.g. on the North and Baltic Sea, ( Usedom, Juist, Borkum in Winter etc.) in the Lüneburger Heide, in the Black Forest ( Baiersbronn etc.), Bavarian Forest ( Bodenmais ) etc. Munich is very beautiful, English garden etc. In Cologne the Old Town, Rhine Promenade, Chocolate Museum, Dom u.v.m. My hometown is Rome, for me personally the most beautiful city in the world, but there are also dirty corners. Not everywhere it looks like at the Palazzo Venezia, at the Trevi Fountain etc.

2 years ago

You haven’t seen anything from Germany, have you?
I know that there are many ugly houses and cities, but there are also beautiful corners. You obviously only see the tourist roads abroad, go on a few cross roads, the houses are ugly, gray and decayed, or ugly high-rise blocks. That’s just about all this because the poorer people can’t afford magnificent buildings. You’ll remember if you have to pay your own apartment or house.

look around, look not only at what is ugly, look for the beautiful, then you will feel better.

2 years ago

I also know very unsightly areas in UK, France and Italy.

And not every city in Germany is “small and grey” – the Krämerbrücke in Erfurt is, for example, anything but that and rightly Unesco World Heritage.

Germany is very aesthetic.

2 years ago

they had to build up everything, because they were torn up — because they would rather quickly be cheap for the purpose. the other countries have had decades of time to consider and plan because there weren’t suddenly from one day to the other all the buildings

2 years ago

Well, two world wars leave their mark.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hacker48

After the wars, housing and business space had to be quickly created. Material was not sufficiently available, so was improvised.

Of course, hardly anyone tears off the hut later, but clicks on something. That’s what it looks like.

In shopping streets there are mainly store chains that the place passes by the Ar***. They then put their aluminium fassade and advertisements in front of it and also underpin the optics of beautiful architecture.

The just punishment is then void and destruction.