Warum ist der Verkehr in Großstädten so hektisch?

Um rückwärts einzuparken in einer Lücke, braucht man etwas Zeit. Um es der Großstadt und den Verkehr hinter einen Recht zu machen, ohne das die anfangen komplett zu eskalieren sollte man 4 Sekunden brauchen.

Also in Deutschland muss das anders sein oder? Warum so hektisch?

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3 years ago

Quite simply: more vehicles share the traffic space in the city. Traffic is denser. Of course, the people who want to get to the city centre of Cologne, Frankfurt am Main or Berlin want to be in a hurry again and again and again, and were often already in traffic anyway. Drivers just have less patience.

I can also clearly confirm that I drive completely different when I’m under time pressure. And big cities aren’t exactly the best for a lot of traffic. There are a number of disturbances that one has not so often in smaller cities: permanent people who do not know and cause congestion have to change at the last moment, many package messengers, large crossings with long red phases and worse advance through the many traffic that causes problems in the rush hour, etc… This hinders the occurrence and strains the nerves.

3 years ago

Many people live in cities that usually have a hurry.

3 years ago

I can’t understand your generalization.

Who or what escalates every time you park backwards?