warum ist der Spraydosen Deckel so geformt?
Für was ist dieser Noppen mit dem
Loch ?
Für was ist dieser Noppen mit dem
Loch ?
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Ich bin 13 und hab das Bild gestern gemalt aber ich finde das Gesicht sehr komisch irgendwie.
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I don’t see the deformation. The nub with the hole should have been the potting channel during production.
That would be a very unusual casting for such a part. I think you can break it out and use it for some function. Actually, I’ve never seen such a lid before.
No, that’s not unusual. This thin-walled cover with the central surface is quite difficult to spray without which it is deformed. I think they used this ring casting for uniform distribution. There are many techniques. I can’t see it right on the picture.
You’re right. And of course there are many cast variants. For a final assessment, we would have to see that thing from other directions. My experience with injection molding machines says it’s not an injection, but there’s nothing that is not available.
Yeah, but you can’t see how the thing goes into the lower surface.
You’re talking about this funnel-shaped thing right next to the red spray button?