Warum ist der Schwan aggressiv geworden?
Ich war heute baden am oder im Neckar und als ich da saß, kam eine Schwan Familie mit mehreren Babies. Da ich noch bisschen Brot übrig hatte, habe ich Ihnen das zugeworfen, weil mir der Vater aber zu gierig war und alles alleine aß habe ich das so geschmissen, dass die Kleinen auch was ab bekommen ,daraufhin wollte mich der Vater mit dem Schnabel angreifen gefolgt von komische Geräuschen. Zuvor hat er aber alles schön allein gegessen.
Swans get aggressive when they lead young animals.
Oh yes: bread is for swans (which actually eats water plants and grass) but also for ducks so or so mega unhealthy – as a responsible father he wanted, of course, that his children do not eat bread
Thanks for the competent answer. Leave it in the future
I guess you threw the bread in the direction of his boy.
He probably wanted to defend her.
Dad defended his children. Maybe you wanted them something bad. That’s why he gave you contrast – to keep you away.
yes wanted to eat his children
… or steal. Swans don’t understand fun!
All right! Who doesn’t know how swans are ticking, he just wonders. Now you’ve learned something again. I’ve heard a swan.
Excuse me for my kind and stupid reaction. You’re right
When you threw the bread to the little ones, he probably thought you’d do something to them. Like most wildlife, he wanted to defend his boys.
I’d be cautious with faggots. They are very strong and may break an underarm in an attack with a beak blow.
he dache you attack her.
With bread?
Throw bread on a playground to a man’s baby – what the mother does.
He thought you attacked his babes.
The czech is really threatening, because always be careful. they are getting really fucked.
How do you know what you’re throwing? He only recognized your threatening.
Again. He swallowed the bread before as if there was no morning
OmG! Thinking can be helpful.OmG!
Wild animals, with boys, are left to the very best gaaaanz in peace. That doesn’t matter what you mean to have to do good – Mother Nature knows only “I have to protect my offspring”. And the program turns off automatically. Even pets change when you have fresh offspring, some of your behavior – and they should actually know that you don’t want anything bad…
But if you like to try freshly – bread will also like to eat, but the wedge and creeks will certainly show you quite clearly what you think of your intrusive and threatening way (warms, approach…) so – hope you are good in climbing – and nothing easy to pick up, to climb up… We want to know what your resentment was…
I would just wedge the wedger away
– Maybe if he likes…