Warum ist der Rückflug aus der Dom. Rep. (Punta Cana) über 1 Stunde kürzer als der Hinflug?
Wenn man sich die Verbindung Düsseldorf (DUS) – Punta Cana (PUJ) anschaut dauert der Hinflug ca. 10h, der Rückflug aber nur 8.45h.
Gibt es dafür einen bestimmten Grund?
Andere Route? Rückenwind?
Danke und Grüße
The reason for this is the high winds / jetstreams that run on the north hemisphere from west to east. The plane therefore has a backwind on the return flight from PUJ to DUS.
Earth rotation has no influence on the duration of the flight. Especially considering that you are from PUJ to DUS with the earth rotation flies. If at all, the rotation would shorten a flight from east to west, as the target is “moving”. But as you can see, the flight to the west takes longer. So Earth rotation can’t be. Since the aircraft is within the Earth’s atmosphere, it always makes the Earth’s movement.
is responsible for the jetstream, a constant wind blowing from west to east and at an altitude that can be reached for commercial aircraft. Therefore, they can use this jetstream as a “shift wind”.
The jetstream is not only available in the northern areas such as Canada, Greenland, Iceland, but also in the subtropics; It is therefore appropriate to use it.
Yes, wind and flight route are crucial. In addition, the route is chosen depending on the weather, i.e. in the case of such long flights, the flight times are usually only approximate values and can vary considerably in the case of external influences (weather fronts, large storms, etc.)
Weather effects are not taken into account in advance in the schedule 😉
Earth rotation and jetstream are particularly noticeable in long flights.
Earth rotation…
This makes no sense, especially since the flight runs from west to east.
That’s right!