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2 years ago

The green light can be seen at sunset because the white light of the sun is broken in the earth’s atmosphere. It is divided into different colors with different wavelengths.

At sunset, the red and yellow light disappear first. The blue and green light waves remain, because they are broken more strongly. The blue light is usually too weak to see it with the human eye.

“The short-wave green light beams remain, which light up for about a second before the sunlight disappears completely behind the horizon,” explains Josef Lukas, meteorologist of Wetterapp Morecast.

2 years ago

Drilling assumes that the sunlight behind the storm would be weakened by rain and/or hail and therefore seem bluish. If a thunderstorm rises at the time of sunrise or sunset, when the sun assumes a rather red-orange color, it causes the greenishJesus.


The # “Animals” gave me the rest

2 years ago

Why is the sky sometimes green?

Only if you’re blue yourself!

2 years ago

Are you talking about Northern Lights or the discoloration that is currently caused by the Sahara dust?