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The unloved month is November. Because it’s usually wet-cold there and little daylight. February is probably unpopular because there are no holidays. In any case, none that are of great importance. It is cold and still little daylight. However, if you have fixed salary or pension, February is also great. Because there’s more money every day.
I don’t hate the month especially, but it’s not particularly pleasant, winter stop
Because most of this is the coldest month in the year, and then the nose is filled so slowly from the darkness. We want and need light and more warmth.
I don’t know. I really think the februat is really great as I usually go skiing.
Cold. Wet. And you long for spring
Because in February nothing special happens, unlike the other months, which gives many an oppressed mood 🙂
Because many singles are alone on Valentine’s Day. 😉
Grey and no light…is so with me with January…😌🐥
Benefits of February is, you get faster salary…🙃
I guess it’s the time when people have the snuck full of winter and daily gray out there.
I don’t care, I have a bad mood when the winter time comes 😂😂😂😂
We made it soon ðŸ ̃‰
In particular, the nose is full of darkness.