Warum ist der Döner so teuer geworden, jetzt mal ohne Spaß?
Ich hab damals als ich zur Schule gegangen bin 2,50€ dafür bezahlt. Jetzt kostet er 8€. Was soll das? Ich bezahle doch immernoch normal Geld für Essen wenn ich es kaufe. Wie kann es sein, dass das jetzt so viel kostet? Damals gab es nicht so viele Dönerläden. Das ist 100% der Grund dafür. Die sind einfach gierige geworden und verlangen das dreifache. Ich glaub nicht an die Inflationstheorie. Alles Blödsinn.
Honestly, I fully understand your frustration. It feels really absurd when you got a dungeon for €2.50 and now you have to pay almost €8 for it. This is a huge difference, and it is of course annoying, because it feels like everything becomes more expensive, while your own money remains the same.
But unfortunately this is not only “Gier”. Many things that are needed for a dungeon have become more expensive: meat, vegetables, flour for bread – this has all grown properly, for example, because energy costs have risen. And yes, rents for the shops are more expensive today. The guy who makes you the Döner has to live with something, and his costs have just risen.
In the past, €2.50 was really a bargain – probably the shops at that time hardly deserve anything. Today, the 8 € stand reflects real production costs. Sure, it still feels bad, especially if you were used to paying less. But it is not only greed, but the world has become more expensive. Unfortunately.
Oh, yeah. They’ve become more expensive. They want to be rich. Easy. They do this business and then they’re looking for the far. My best friend his father had a diner shop. He did this. Got a condo and then stopped. No more shock. You can make the money. Money grows on trees. Nothing against trees, trees are holy. But these guys pull the people off to take care of them.
Now you have 2 options. Either all Dönerläden boycott so that they can’t enrich themselves with your hard money, or even open a Dönerbude and buy a Porsche.
Döner is more expensive because meat, bread, vegetables and electricity cost more. The shops also have to pay more rent. This has nothing to do with greed, but things have become more expensive.
Lg, Abdul
That’s the pure greed. The current energy, personnel, rent and food costs do not justify 8 or 9 euros for a dungeon. One draws the prices, the next becomes envious and pulls with etc.
I even know. These are such greedy…. I can’t insult here.
AMGs are expensive.
You don’t have to buy a diner here. I’m sure there are other places where he’s cheaper. And for a good dungeon I also like to pay €10.
inflation has risen sharply during the coronary period, as a result of which the diner prices were also affected.
believe what you want, but during the pandemic, I saw how the Döner prices gradually increased, that was not so before and after the pandemic
but speaking entirely of the absence of greed would also be wrong; Dönerläden would also not decide to lower prices when people start to get used to 8€. Makes profit loss
8 €, but you’re getting pretty tired. Go to the restaurant or to a fast food shop, which you get there for 8 € and how tired you get.
The dönergrill consumes a lot of energy and it is now twice as expensive and everything else has become twice as expensive – the meat is now almost three times as expensive as it was.
It makes me so infinite. These are so small details that in the end lead to the war again breaking out in Germany. Döner was always the food of the workers in Germany. After work, get a Döner first. That was important and right. And now? Döner is a restaurant product for good earners. Higher earner. No fast food. What has become of M is just as a disaster.
Yes that goes with the dönerns since the Ukraine war so it started, many of them are still using the crisis=) have used to eat döner at least 1 times a week nowadays maybe 1 times a month if at all because it is just too expensive to me sorry=)
It’s not just money. It’s just a freaky thing and you don’t want to pay it. I’ll make dinner for a month. No fun. These are foods. I don’t have to eat the garbage. It tastes me.
We’re financing Al Kaida. It’s all become more expensive. explosives, weapons, turbans, grenades…
unpopular opinion: 8€ is not much money for a döner.
What are you talking about? I earn 3000€ net a month and I’m single. That’s a lot of money! I like to eat outside, I don’t have to cook. And this is clearly expensive!
You should learn to cook. You don’t get a real Döner Kebab anywhere. No more layered meat is used on the rotary shoots. Only minced meat.
Yes I rarely eat Döner, compare this with McDonalds e.g.
both fast food, with nem 8€ Döner you get more tired than a 0815 Burger menu
You get a pizza for 8 euros…
Learn a good idea with cooking!
There are also flavour enhancers (monosodium glutamate). Suspicion of triggering Alzheimer’s.
https://www.ugb.de/food-im-test/glutamate side effects/
That’s the worst thing about history anyway. Even the quality has deteriorated a thousand times. A nausea!!! Unharmed!!!!
Because at that time it was and because there is inflation.
How much money did you have? And today? Be honest.
Dude doesn’t care. €2.50 is €2.50. We’re still euro. Now 8€. I’m running out. Imagine he would cost 2,50€. I could buy three diners a day. And make rough fitness.
It’s just inflation.
No does not
What other reasons does it have in your eyes?
Thank you very much for the world
It is difficult to accept some yes. Whether the AfD is going to change what you should see was not yet in government responsibility to judge. I wish you a lot of success with your project.
I don’t want to accept everything anymore. Do not want to wait for the Afd until after 100 years they finally win the election. I’m going to open my own diner shop and sell it for 2,50€.
What’s your solution? You and I can’t do the rules. How do you imagine? That you go to every Dönermann and ask him to screw down the prices? You won’t make friends with that. This is the task of politics to solve this. If you want to change something, you need to get active there. Otherwise, it means learning to accept.
You just argue how you think that what the rules are, that’s not our job. So always accept everything. No. The value of the money must not fall. And inflation has not risen. The few percent. Then everything would be much more expensive. Either way. It’s annoying me.
I’m disappointed by your thorough argument. Honest 🙁
Well, they want to do something. Perhaps the one has more running costs because it is a bigger store, more employees, etc.
The boss in the end wants to do something and not just pay bills.
Yes, but that cannot be the argument. Germany is underpinning because the Döner owners press the prices to the limit of pain. No one can and wants to afford it. Why do I see a Döner for 5€ and another for 8€? 3€ difference and these are the same Dönerläden. Why not down to €2.50. I don’t understand how to be so inhumanly greedy. They sell their döner, zack the dönerladen closes and a new one opens. They have become rich and are already over all mountains!
Well, basically, they’ve been doing that for years. Made in Germany today has no more value than in the 70s.
Companies go to China because cheap.
Inflation is a science and there are theories about it. Never mind. Pressure is not exercised here. Germany can be happy that the Chinese have not raped our economy. Anything else.
That’s not true. Inflation means that the value of money drops and you can afford less.
That the salaries remain the same is a problem of our policy that could exert pressure on the AG, but does not.
And not only döner and fast food becomes more expensive, everything becomes more expensive. There is no product and no industry spared because everyone has to fight with rising prices.
Inflation is inflation. Money does not fall. The euro has become even stronger. Product is expensive, salary remains the same. Okay, then I want more pay from my boss. Come on. Can you give me more pay? Why? People earn less and the products become more expensive. There’s a lot wrong. But I know that only Döner and Mcdonalds have become more expensive. And Burgerking. Abzocker
Olaf Abi does not like Turks
Boy with your ridiculous storm mask, that’s not funny. The Döner is a competitive product. If they had made this like McDonalds a franchise company, patented. Then the Döner would cost 3€ max. Or normal €2.50. That makes me angry and I’m disappointed by the owners!