Warum ist der Dokumenten-Ordner nicht sichtbar?

Auf einem mir nicht bekannten Grund wird mein “Dokumente” Standard Ordner bei meinem Macbook nicht angezeigt. Ich habe mir daraufhin ein Alias erstellt .

Irgendwann habe ich etwas nachrecherchiert und herausgefunden, dass er schlichtweg unsichtbar ist. Gerne würde ich diesen wieder sichtbar machen und auf das Alias verzichten.

Bitte um Hilfe! :_)

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3 months ago

As medmonk already writes, this is because you are in iCloud under iCloud Drive the point Folder “Writish” & “Documents” have enabled.


This will display the Documents folder in iCloud Drive. You can see links in your sidebar from the Finder Documents also directly under iCloud Drive. That’s exactly the folder and you’ll find it at ~/iCloud Drive.

Everything is actually aliases on ~/Documents and this folder is hidden from Apple – probably to avoid confusion.

But as I said, you can Documents easily access the sidebar in Finder.

3 months ago
Reply to  orangesound

Yes, this is certainly not optimally solved, but I also understand Apple something. Two identical folders are confusing but if one disappears, that’s just as confusing. Apple has opted for one of two not optimal solutions.

In the download folder, Apple’s consideration is certainly that the normal download folder of macOS is not syncronized, as you usually load more and larger content on the desktop. For example, I regularly download Xcode Betas with multiple GB and find it stupid when they are constantly loaded on my iPhone and iPad. On the other hand, I quickly download PDFs on iPhone or iPad and find it nice to find them on the Mac in iCloud/Downloads. In this respect, two separate folders make sense.

3 months ago

It could be enough if you had “Shift+Cmd+point” hide all other hidden elements and restart the finder. See if the folder documents will appear as usual again.

Edit: I’ve just looked at me and it’ll probably be up to your iCloud settings. If you take the checkout for documents in the iCloud system control, it will be displayed again.


3 months ago
Reply to  orangesound

Then take a look at how it looks like the permission.

sudo chown -R $(whoami):staff ~/Documents


sudo chmod -R u+rwx ~/Documents
3 months ago

Right-click on the folder and create alias. Then an alias is created, you can move it arbitrarily and the real folder remains in place.