Warum ist das Wetter am 1.Mai oft schlecht?

Am 1.Mai sollte ja eigentlich der erste Sommertag sein, viele Freibäder öffnen ja am 1.Mai. Leider hält sich das Wetter oft nicht dran, oft hatten wir Dauerregen und nicht Mal 10 Grad, der letzte warme 1.Mai war im Jahr 2012.

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2 years ago

Eeecht? Is that so? So, as previous speakers have said, the 1st of May is not a summer day – even if summer time should be back since the end of March…

This is strange to me in all our annual films, where traditionally on the 1st. May murals with final grilling and flying, besides 3-king flies, when the 2nd official season event is held, have not yet noticed. There were bad/excited days, but defacted no 10 but 2 really bad and 1 adult… But given the human perception that negaitves 6* are perceived more intensely, like positive, would probably be bonged by 2028 all the 1st May days felt rainy, I guess…

2 years ago

This is due to transcendence in the neoperitoneal causal link between ascesis and accomodandable eclecticism. 🙂 I hope I could help.

2 years ago

May 1 was and has never been a summer day, is still spring.

In addition, your question is completely unconcrete…The weather, for example, in Freiburg will be different from above in the Bavarian Alps;-)

2 years ago

May belongs to spring, not to summer.