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If you break it down to the minimum, ADHS is a chronic dopamine deficiency. This is the hormone that drives you, makes you motivated and happy. A brain with ADHD is constantly busy balancing this deficiency somehow, and the effects are manifold:
And no, you don’t work slower. Often you work faster, but just inattentive – that is, many mistakes, things forget and so on.
ADHS is not a disease and also no diagnosis, so it is also rightly not recognized and the tests are also not cash benefits.
Unfortunately, many of them have no idea and resort to medicines
But you can also hide behind ADHD and use it as an excuse to start busy and live!
What do you think?
Because I know it and because it’s just a “invention” and the pharmaceutical companies benefit the most and any psychiatrist that “good” means with the patients
The only statement right here is that ADHS is not a disease. It is a neurological metabolic disorder in the brain, but nothing necessarily a disease. A diagnosis is still (see ICD-XI and more), the tests are standard cash flow for children and also for adults. And ADHD is not only to be demonstrated by questionnaires and observation, but also by blood tests (hormone level) and EEG.
What? A hit in the face to each of the ADHS suffers. ADHS is scientifically recognized and the backgrounds are also known….
Whether you call it a disorder or illness doesn’t matter. And as far as I know, the cash registers also take the medicines.
It’s a syndrome and a disorder of neuronal development,no disease and that’s good so ….Why should you be ill when you’re different?
But I’m not a guru….I just know a lot and have my own opinion
She doesn’t have to be right, even if I know
Just not….But for anything, you have to be able to prescribe Ritalin etc. ….ðŸ ̃‰ And it’s no cash benefit,why?
But ADHD is recognized as a disease and can also be diagnosed.
Such people are different and are often excluded, but they are not worse!
And they suffer very much from exclusion and Ritalin can trigger fress attacks or inappetence, which makes it even worse ….Is the help? And then they have the “diagnosis” and feel more marginalized and not for nothing the suicide rate at 13-17 years is the highest
First of all, my pediatrician wanted to start with Ritalin and that kind of crap, where my mother, fortunately, decided against it and because I am more gifted and then also through the state exam and the job …
Nja and about the side effects of psychopharmaceuticals I and you can keep lectures
How do you know?
But this is also a problem of society. Is my opinion, but it does not have to be correct
These “patients” (even though they are not) , must be required and supported elsewhere. Perhaps they are also bored and therefore somewhat hyperactive….and actually more intelligent? But no, instead you pump them full with psychopharmaceutical and sedated them with brutal side effects – straight Ritalin