Warum ist das Barilla Pesto in Deutschland so teuer?
Kaufe das immer nur wenn ich nach Frankreich einkaufen fahre, weil es da mindestens 1€ günstiger ist, je nach Sorte sogar noch mehr.
Kaufe das immer nur wenn ich nach Frankreich einkaufen fahre, weil es da mindestens 1€ günstiger ist, je nach Sorte sogar noch mehr.
Hallo zusammen Ich bin neu Veganerin und bin nicht sicher ob ich Muscheln essen kann, weiss das jemand?
Hey, Ich möchte gerne ein kleines Paket von Brasilien nach Deutschland schicken und bin beim Suchen im Internet auf Parcelabc gestoßen. Hat jemand damit Erfahrung? Habe bereits unterschiedliche Bewertungen gelesen … Vielen Dank schonmal Alles Liebe Sarah
Wie lang ist die längste Pommes auf der Welt?
No plan, but actually France doesn’t always find so cheap… I know a lot of French people who always come over to the Saarland, have a lot of friends who prefer to buy here more often. I myself rarely buy something in France, or I’ll get something, I’d like to buy cheese and syrup there, or I’d like to bring some alcohol, there’s also very good 🙂
This is marketing strategy.
It will pay out what price people in the respective country are willing to pay.
Germany is well known that rather high consumer prices can be enforced because German customers are quite uncritical.
Because they know that in Germany only people have to buy pesto from the chemical factory that can’t cook anyway and there seems to be more and more. So just make expensive. Pesto is the simplest in the world and does not take 20 min and the ingredients are also healthier.
Supply and above all demand.
And at high prices you can give a lot of discount.
I always buy it here for under 2 euros.
Is it perhaps due to the transport route?
PS: I have never eaten pesto bought in my life.
Barillapesto with guaranteed extra little basil?
Better take care of quality. Alnatura has something better.
A thousand times better. EUR 1.99 at Rossmann.
I’ll try it.
In France there are much better foods than in Germany. Finished food is not used so often in most European countries, but in Germany, the corporations like to “be”.
Supply and demand.