Warum ist cube so schei…?
Hi Leute ich habe ein cube bike und es wurde letztens repariert bin damit gefahren und es ist schon wieder ohne irgendeinen Grund kaputt gegangen also schiebt die Schuld bitte nicht auf mich Danke
Es wurde jetzt schon 2 mal zur Reparatur gebracht aber nichts ist besser geworden warum ist cube so billig verarbeitet?
Like Radon, Cube is a direct provider where much goes beyond the price, but the quality and durability often remains on the track.
You better take a little more money in your hand and buy it at an old proven manufacturer like Specialized, Scott, Cannondale or Treck. There are the frame tops, the components are usually somewhat a class lower. This can then be well upgraded in contrast to the frame.
Because Cube is setting other priorities than other brands.
The fact that you often find higher-quality switching components on Cube bikes at the same price than on the bikes of the competition is not magic! But it simply focuses on these better components and, like assembly and service quality, is not prioritized.
As long as the customer mainly decides whether a deore switch or an XT switch is attached to the switching eye, it also works wonderfully as one sees the stark sales figures;)
You can’t generalize it so clearly. What bike do you have? How are you driving? Which part of it broke? Many components (brakes, circuit, suspension, etc. Are not from the manufacturer of the wheel, but from other companies)
Therefore, you can’t just turn the blame on Cube without further information.
Can also be that your workshop has done a bad job
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