Why is Bavaria such a proud and strong federal state?
how did this happen
They have so many traditions of their own and somehow they are great.
just as Baden-Württemberg, Berlin or North Rhine-Westphalia are special federal states for me
I have the feeling that you hear so little from most of the others
Bavaria was once its own duchy, or later kingdom.
They have kept their traditions, in contrast to other parts of Germany. The Bavarian costume with the Dirndl is basically the only German costume that made it into modernity, including the modern adaptations. All others can be seen at the most on costume festivals or in museums.
I suspect this special position of the CSU, instead of being part of the CDU, has also helped.
And only financially the money from the country financial compensation with which the Bavarians once brought their economy into play.
Plus perhaps the linguistic peculiarities and a beautiful landscape.
Bawü is economically strong, NRW is the most inhabited federal state and Berlin is the federal capital.
Because it would like to be, but never was. Because Bavaria would always like to be better than anyone else. The fact is that Bavaria sees itself as what you describe is limited to Lower and Upper Bavaria. I’m gonna go to the Oberpfalz. Swabians and, above all, Franken do not have a bump on Bavaria, or to be seen as such.
where lies swedish and franken
in the federal state of Bavaria
Well, Lower and Upper Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate form the south-east to south-eastern edge of the official ‘Bayern’. So from the border to the Münchner Vorland and east to uneven Passau. Everything else is Swabians and Franks.
do Bavarians also like drawn from other countries??
Can’t be generalized.
Because the CSU has a big mouth after they have properly drafted federal funds to cultivate the backward country. Cultivating hasn’t worked, has remained with the money.
well there are many special traditions there anyway or
However, they are very regional and different as in other federal states. The bladder music is politically desired
Because I am.
do Bavarians like auxh drawn from other countries??
Of course, we need them, otherwise it would be boring.
That’s it.