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Because it’s from O’R.
O’Reilly selects specific animals for different topics. For Linux books, it is the horse, while other topics like pearl have a camel or Java the extinct Java Tiger.
This is what this publisher has done in 1996 with “LINUX guides for installation & configuration”. The horse used there carries a rider with a headgear that reminds of Chinese.
All I have on books of O’Reilly is printed with animals on the front.
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If you want to know exactly, maybe
53277 Bonn
Royal Winter street 418
because Linux is a train horse.
after that the pictured horse does not look!!! This is rather a cozy horse in retirement 🙂
You can be right with age. Linux is available as a usable *) operating system since perhaps 1993, but was from the very beginning a multi-task and multi-user system. At Windows3.1.1 you had a break when the printer printed. Previously there was the spiritual father of Linux, Unix and that since 1970.
(this is still shown on the date, actually a counter that permanently counts the seconds. The count 00000 we converted in 1.1.1970)
This results in a picture that does not represent a single-day fly. The Unix/Linux inventors certainly did not expect such a long service life of an operating system at the time.
This also shows how ingenious one thought in 1965 (?).
That also fits an old pale.
*) useful because a lot of craftsmanship was necessary in 1995 to make something graphic.
But I also have a whole series of orders that could be taught to a horse. find, mount, bash, eject, return, touch, kill, watch
(a smart horse of course)
as old as KDE;)