Warum ist Alkohol so normalisiert in der deutschen Gesellschaft?
Ich frage mich warum so viele Leute Alkohol (eine der schädlichsten Drogen) als etwas normales betrachten und dann aber weniger schädliche Drogen wie Hanf oder Psychedelika generell verteufeln und die Konsumenten direkt stigmatisiert werden als zB Junkies? Das ist halt komplett dumm!
That’s because people are just still more used to the use of alcohol than to the use of other drugs. And what you’re used to, you don’t ask. Uninhabited things are considered much more critical.
This is of course not a rational, logical approach. That is why it is all the more important to consider these issues scientifically.
That is true and I find it very bad that many of their opinions are based only on social norms and do not question;/
Alcohol is the cultural drug of the West and the West has prevailed globally for a long time with the USA as the strongest power. After the alcohol prohibition, which had failed, there was a risk that many jobs would fall away, so they were looking for a new “fine”. Cannabis, for example, was the drug of African and Latin Americans and these were systematically discriminated against, so it was decided. In order to enforce the ban globally, the US has made itself strong at the Opium Conference in 1925. There were quite rushing campaigns – it could be called brainwashing. These campaigns are still moving into generations. Thus, most drug bans are racist. However, there were also other lobbyists who have an interest in and prohibiting other drugs.
Many people do not deal with it or only know any docus of kabel1. Generally, alcohol is accepted here and people who need their driving licence are more aware of alcohol because it is not so long detectable and you know about when you can drive again and do not have to worry about nanogram limit values or degradation products. There are quite violent things in psychedelic drugs, where one is best not going out of the house, because social suitability is no longer there. Extensive alcohol use in society, as most know what they are getting into. Not that I blew other things. A pub will make more money with beer. Certainly there will also be other interests, why most things are forbidden.
Because denying, harmless and captivating consequences of alcohol abuse are – both in those who drink the alcohol and in his oilies.
Tradition, habit, at low price and available everywhere
It does not make any sense from a scientific point of view, but the government does not seem to it to it :/
You don’t have to take drugs.
but main thing is because is not a drug because is legal 🤡
I don’t like alcohol or other drugs and I’m actually a ban on alcohol in Germany. Whether such a ban would really bring something is on another sheet.
Prohibitions only make things worse… this is what you see in the current drug policy
The legal trade with it does not make it any better that you see on the alcohol.
This idea had the Amis from 1920-1933. The so-called prohibition in the United States.
The whole thing went back.
There was a ban on alcohol in the United States. The number of alcohol deaths and alcohol patients has thus increased. That is why the ban was revoked.
If a ban would bring anything, I would be for it. The opposite is the case, however.
Alcohol is a hard drug, I don’t want to deny it! But look at what happened to the alcohol prohibition in the Usa (30s I think) If a drug is forbidden try people who act illegal naturally to make as much profit as possible. And that’s why a lot of high-percent alcohol was burned and traded, because the more active ingredient, the more profit!
Alcohol is a dangerous drug, but as with other drugs, legal distribution is much safer for consumers. I generally think: bans do nix, make everything worse. Enlightenment is the A and O
Well, what’s “normal”? According to the norm. And the norm comes from what most simply do.
For example, it is perfectly normal to eat meat or burn oil, which is objectively total madness.
There are so many things normal that are actually quite discardable, unfortunately:/
Exactly. And that’s what happens. You can change that, but there are a lot to go with and they don’t want to. German hates change. Stop! It’s all the same as it is, and there’s nothing to know.
Why eating meat should be total madness hasn’t turned out to me yet.
classic 😀
Geil, I got the “Citat” grad gegooglet because I didn’t get it all, and I didn’t find it, that was what I meant:D
Whether you’re here, not!
We don’t need more drugs and a society that doesn’t put people under pressure or cut people off, so they need drugs to be stunned.
Instead of legalizing more drugs, we should change society.
The dose makes the poison; so it’s just stupid to generalize. In every direction.
The alcohol and its high acceptance have historical reasons.
Soon your beloved grass will be legalized – then everything will fit.
What do you mean “the beloved grass”?
My opinion is based on science. And they don’t listen to a politician. There are no arguments against the legalization of drugs. Prohibitions make everything worse (as you can see right now! For example, we compare our drug policy with that of Portugal. There, the consumer is helped by any drugs instead of blocking them and confusing them. And there is still this double morality that alcohol is a culture drug and is glorified by so many even though it is one of the most harmful drugs.) Enlightenment is the most important and bans make everything worse!