Warum isst & verkauft niemand Giersch?

Der Giersch versorgte die Menschen schon in Lebensmittelmangelzeiten mit notwendigen Vitaminen. Auch heute strotzt er immer noch vor Vitamin C, Provitamin A und Mineralien wie Eisen und Magnesium. „Mit etwa 100 Gramm Giersch ist der Tagesbedarf an Vitamin C schon mehr als gedeckt“, erklärt Sonja Pannenbecker, Referentin für Lebensmittel und Ernährung bei der Verbraucherzentrale Bremen. „Auch sein Eiweißgehalt ist für ein Wildkraut beachtlich. Giersch übertrifft mit um die 5 Gramm sogar Spinat mit seinem Eiweißgehalt.“

Für den rohen Verzehr eignen sich am besten die jungen Blätter. Besonders zart sind sie, wenn sie gerade aufgehen. „Im Geschmack erinnert roher Giersch an eine Mischung aus Mohrrüben und Petersilie. Wenn er gekocht ist, schmeckt er ähnlich wie Spinat“.

Quelle: https://www.verbraucherzentrale-bremen.de/pressemeldungen/verbraucherzentrale/kraeuter-des-monats-giersch-48364


Ist es nicht irgendwie eine ziemliche Verschwendung, dass ein schnell massiv-überwucherndes Unkraut nicht aktiv als Nahrungsmittel genutzt wird?

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5 months ago

Since Giersch can be confused quite quickly with the poisonous calf head, the stained skier and the dog’s pie, he should remain wildly reserved for the herbal profis…
If you want to create a beet, make sure it is “break-proof”, such as a high bed without connecting to the ground. In the garden you will only get rid of it by mowing and covering the area with black mulch foil, on top of bark substrate or mulch for complaining. It’s just that the Giersch is starving. And at least one whole year must remain the cover.

6 months ago

So your assertion that no greed eats is not true. Zig dogs get Giersch in food, thanks to Barf. I’m always sorting this out, so it’s gonna be pumped. And I think you’re right. Giersch tastes like parsley.

Who knows what Giersch looks like? Who else knows about herbs? Who knows how to prepare these herbs?

You can’t ask people to go, what to do and mix it in their food without any thought. Faith there is the mistake.

5 months ago
Reply to  BenniXYZ

This is the indifference of people.

We learned from our parents what to eat from nature. We have also passed this knowledge to our children and they are grateful for it. They use as we often and many wild herbs in the kitchen.

6 months ago

I like to eat it in spring, but don’t see any reason to buy it because it grows wild as a “weed”.

Wild herbs, no matter what, to eat, many people somehow find strange, potentially dangerous and who knows if this is not all very bad environmental conditions are the threatened plants wilder…
My husband, for example, is so educated he eats exclusively what comes from a store. In the meantime he has become accustomed to the fact that there are also wild herbs like, for example every year, beard liquor, well cress in the winter, flowers + greed in the spring salad and something.

5 months ago

You’re really right.

Thanks to modern “food industry” more and more so-called are removed. “Consumers” from their roots – they are lulled and índoctrinated…

This is a shame because the valuable medicinal herbs grow right in front of our doorstep.

We should take more responsibility again:

For ourselves and our health, for nature – and to become mouthful!

5 months ago

There are many people eating greed, I don’t eat myself because I don’t like greed.

It is not sold because it is unintentionally found in almost every garden.

My property is really special because there is no greed on it.

I use other things: especially rinds and charbocks (may have even more Vit.C than Giersch), along with white goosefoot, Gundermann….

5 months ago
Reply to  Silo123

Yes – each crimp has its meaning and its value…;)

6 months ago

This is due to the indoctrination of the consumer society – everything that is “weed” is not eaten – and there is a lot of it from the edible. In addition, the people of horror stories such as fox bandwurm etc. are prevented from collecting free food and not carrying their money into society.
In fact, you could – just now in September – collect your entire winter supply of greenware in the forest and on the way of the field, awaken, keep… only nobody has anything except you.

5 months ago
Reply to  zatrisha

Perfect answer – there is no “weed”!

5 months ago
Reply to  zatrisha

Most of what people call weeds is edible and tasty. Like the Giersch. But also bird marrows, lion’s tooth, garlic rake or also distilling. We like to use all this in salads, stews, quarks or as spicy supplements.

5 months ago
Reply to  Vogtlandrapper

We also ☺️ Besides, now again is time for nettle seeds and they are just terribly delicious.

5 months ago

We use Giersch regularly. We have the wild in the garden at two places where it can also grow.

We also have a variety with white-coloured foliage in the garden that is weakly violated. She’s in the herbal bed with us.

We use yaw leaves in stews, in salads, herbal cucumbers, in fresh cheese or simply on bread

In my opinion, Giersch is being fought as a weed.

6 months ago

What the neighbors wanted to leave as weeds I collected and salad – delicious 🙂

5 months ago
Reply to  antiaes

Very good – according to the motto:

  • Whoever does not want it has already!