Why are you suddenly so active at night?
Until 30 minutes ago I was gaming, listening to music and enjoying my life.
I was actually quite tired the whole time, but out of nowhere I got such strength,
First I did about 50-60 push-ups and then vibed to the music and shadow boxed for about 20 minutes.
And after 30 minutes of exercise I still have a huge amount of energy that I don't normally have.
Now I have enough energy for 30 minutes of exercise or something, and I don't know why, but it feels really good when I'm so excited and let my energy flow freely.
Does anyone know what this could be?
(I have this often)
Das kann manchmal so sein.
Ist doch gut 🙂
LG dein Finger
Das ist so, wenn man Crack, Koks oder Speed einnimmt.